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Messaging SDK migrate to 0.8.0

Jerome Lee edited this page Jan 24, 2017 · 3 revisions

This is a guiding page to show you how to migrate iOS messaging SDK to 0.8.0. If you never used iOS Messaging SDK under the version 0.8.0, you can skip this page.

##Interface change in STSChatEventDelegate In order to unify the naming and make it consistent to other platforms, we change all of the naming chatRoom in STSChatEventDelegate to chatroom.

For example:

//This is the STSChatEventDelegate under the version 0.8.0
- (void)chatRoomConnected:(NSString *)chatRoomName
- (void)chatRoomDisconnected:(NSString *)chatRoomName
- (void)chatRoom:(NSString *)chatRoomName failToConnect:(NSError *)error
...and so on...

//After 0.8.0 those STSChatEventDelegate change to 
- (void)chatroomConnected:(STSChat *)chatroom 
- (void)chatroomDisconnected:(STSChat *)chatroom
- (void)chatroom:(STSChat *)chatroom failToConnect:(NSError *)error
...and so on...

The first thing you may notice is that original naming chatRoom is no longer used. We use chatroom after version 0.8.0. So, If you have used version 0.8.0 before, make sure you change all of the STSChatEventDelegate method to fit our new version or the outdated delegate would not be called anymore!

The second thing is we are no longer using NSString chatRoomName to notify which chatroom send the callback. We sent the STSChat object directly to let you know which chatroom send the STSChatEventDelegate callback! The new design would make you easily to make your feature since you're no longer to use chatroomName to find the STSChat object. You can use the chat object directly.

For exmaple:

//This is the outdated way if you want to print out the userCount when `chatRoomUserCount:` event being called before 0.8.0.
- (void)chatRoomUserCount:(NSString *)chatRoomName {
    __weak ChatViewController * weakSelf = self;
    STSChat * chat = [weakSelf.manager chatForChatRoom:chatRoomName];
    NSLog(@"%@ user count", chatRoomName);
//And this is the fashion way if you want to print out userCount when `chatroomUserCount:` event being called after 0.8.0
- (void)chatroomUserCount:(STSChat *)chatroom {
    NSLog(@"%@ user count = %d", chatroom, (int)chatroom.userCount);

Looks better, right?

##Interface change in STSChatManager The STSChatManager also change interface to make chatRoom rename to chatroom. Here is the examples

//This is the STSChatManager method under the version 0.8.0
- (void)connectToChatRoom:(NSString *)chatRoomName JWT:(NSString *)JWT autoCreate:(BOOL)autoCreate
            eventDelegate:(nullable id<STSChatEventDelegate>)eventDelegate;
- (void)disconnectFromChatRoom:(NSString *)chatRoomName;
- (void)getUsersForChatRoom:(NSString *)chatRoomName
                    success:(void(^)(NSArray<STSChatUser *> * users))success
                    failure:(void(^)(NSError * error))failure;
- (void)getMessagesForChatRoom:(NSString *)chatRoomName
                       success:(void(^)(NSArray<STSChatMessage *> * messages))success
                       failure:(void(^)(NSError * error))failure;
- (void)updateGuestNickname:(NSString *)nickname chatRoom:(NSString *)chatRoomName
                    success:(void(^)())success failure:(void(^)(NSError * error))failure;
... and so on ...
//After 0.8.0 those STSChatManager method change to 
- (void)connectToChatroom:(NSString *)chatroomName JWT:(NSString *)JWT options:(STSChatroomConnectionOptions)options
            eventDelegate:(nullable id<STSChatEventDelegate>)eventDelegate;
- (void)disconnectFromChatroom:(STSChat *)chatroom;
- (void)getUsersForChatroom:(STSChat *)chatroom
                    success:(void(^)(NSArray<STSChatUser *> * users))success
                    failure:(void(^)(NSError * error))failure;
- (void)getMessagesForChatroom:(STSChat *)chatroom
                 configuration:(STSGetMessagesConfiguration * _Nullable)configuration
                       success:(void(^)(NSArray<STSChatMessage *> * messages))success
                       failure:(void(^)(NSError * error))failure;
- (void)updateGuestNickname:(NSString *)nickname chatroom:(STSChat *)chatroom
                    success:(void(^)())success failure:(void(^)(NSError * error))failure;
... and so on ...

Also, we use STSChat object as input parameter instead of chatroomName to call the methods in STSChatManager. You may use chatForChatroomName:isPersonalChat: method to get the chat object. For example:

// get chat object from STSChatManger
- (STSChat *)currentChat {
    return [self.manager chatForChatroomName:self.chatroomName isPersonalChat:self.isPersonalChat];
// Send message 
[self.manager sendMessage:@"message" chatroom:self.currentChat success:^{

} failure:(NSError * _Nonnull error) {


For more details, you may reference our example migration in this commit and read our api docs.