This CV is not maintained. Moving CV to HTML in
My curriculum vitae in LaTeX. See cv.tex
For PDF, see This PDF may not necessarily be up to date with cv.tex
CV header:
Page footer:
Multiple bibliographies:
To build the PDF and bibliographies from scratch, simply execute the following commands:
xelatex cv.tex
bibtex c.aux
bibtex j.aux
xelatex cv.tex
xelatex cv.tex
To upload to Amazon S3 using awscli
aws s3 cp cv.pdf s3://yourbucketnamehere/
This step requires the environment variables AWS_ACCESS_KEY
LaTeX dependencies:
for multiple bibliographies
For more about me, please visit
This section requires Vagrant, VirtualBox, and Ansible.
First, check that ssh-agent
is running and that your keys are added.
host$ ssh-agent bash
host$ ssh-add -l
To create and configure a new virtual machine:
host:~/cv$ vagrant up
host:~/cv$ vagrant ssh
vagrant@cv:~$ sudo apt-get update
vagrant@cv:~$ sudo apt-get install python-dev python-pip
vagrant@cv:~$ sudo pip install pip --upgrade
vagrant@cv:~$ sudo pip install ansible
vagrant@cv:~$ cd /vagrant
vagrant@cv:/vagrant$ sudo ansible-playbook -i ansible_hosts setup.yml
vagrant@cv:/vagrant$ exit
At this point, you will need to specify your username
and private_key_path
in Vagrantfile
To build and upload the PDF:
steve@cv:/vagrant$ sudo make
steve@cv:/vagrant$ sudo ansible-playbook -i ansible_hosts upload.yml
This step requires the variables AWS_ACCESS_KEY
in upload.yml