PHP implementation of HTTP-based authorisation and authentication for RabbitMQ
The recommended way to install is through Composer. Require the symftony/rabbitmq-auth-backend-http-php package:
$ composer require symftony/rabbitmq-auth-backend-http-php
You can check the example folder.
To use as simple library you must create some service to provide a fully configurable authentication and authorization
First of all you need to choose/configure your user provider
$userProvider = new InMemoryUserProvider(array(
'admin' => array(
'password' => 'password',
'roles' => array('Administrator'),
'user1' => array(
'password' => 'user_pass',
You need a authentication checker in order to compare the TokenInterface
with user
$authenticationChecker = new ChainAuthenticationChecker(array(
new UserPasswordTokenChecker(), // Check the username AND the password, during the authentication process
new UserTokenChecker(), // Check only username, append with topic, vhost, resource action
The authenticator is use UserProvider
to find the user and the AuthenticationChecker
to know if the token is authenticate.
$authenticator = new Authenticator(
$authenticationManager = new AuthenticationProviderManager(array($authenticator));
Now the Token
is authenticated
After authenticate, we need to authorize the token to access a resource.
First of all you need a Voter
to check the token authorization.
The DefaultVoter use the same logic than internal rabbitmq authorization.
You can configure each user in each vhost with 4 regular expression that must match to grant access.
$defaultVoter = new DefaultVoter(array(
'admin' => array(
'isAdmin' => true,
'user-1' => array(
'/' => array(
'ip' => '.*', // to control the vhost ip access
'read' => '.*', // to control the resource/topic read access
'write' => '.*', // to control the resource/topic write access
'configure' => '.*', // to control the resource/topic configure access
is use to allow/deny the token access. AccessDecisionManager
need an array of VoterInterface
to do the check.
You need to implement your own voter, in order to choose if the token is granted or not.
$accessDecisionManager = new AccessDecisionManager(array($defaultVoter));
is the manager of authorization process
$tokenStorage = new TokenStorage();
$authorizationChecker = new AuthorizationChecker(
Now you have all services to authenticate and authorize a token to access a resource.
In order to simplify the RabbitMQ auth check you can use the Security
$security = new Security($authenticationManager, $authorizationChecker);
// $isAuthenticate = $this->security->authenticate($token);
// $hasAccess = $this->security->vhost($token, {IP});
// $hasAccess = $this->security->resource($token, {RESOURCE}, {NAME}, {PERMISSION});
// $hasAccess = $this->security->topic($token, {RESOURCE},{NAME},{PERMISSION},{ROUTING_KEY},{VARIABLE_MAP_USERNAME},{VARIABLE_MAP_VHOST});
You need to create the Security
service and register the controller as service
You can check the Symfony documentation about security
# app/config/services.yml
- '@security.authentication.manager'
- '@security.authorization_checker'
- '@security.token_storage'
- '@RabbitMQAuth\Security'
Define the 4 routes.
# app/config/routing.yml
path: /auth_user
defaults: { _controller: RabbitMQAuth\Controller\AuthController::userAction }
path: /auth_topic
defaults: { _controller: RabbitMQAuth\Controller\AuthController::topicAction }
path: /auth_resource
defaults: { _controller: RabbitMQAuth\Controller\AuthController::resourceAction }
path: /auth_vhost
defaults: { _controller: RabbitMQAuth\Controller\AuthController::vhostAction }