On Takerman.Publish.Server: dotnet ef migrations add [name] --project ../Takerman.Publish.Data/Takerman.Publish.Data.csproj dotnet ef database update --project ../Takerman.Publish.Data/Takerman.Publish.Data.csproj dotnet ef migrations remove
npm i -g cypress npx cypress open cypress run --browser chrome
ncu --upgrade npm install
social networks get 15 music tracks from YouTube or Spotify or another platform get movie trailers or scenes with the min length of the length of the music, randomize them, combine them, cut as the length of the music combine music and video add fade in with very short logo intro and fade out effect if is possible add moviemix logo to the bottom of the screen generate good description with or without AI and add the important links and hashtags in it add hashtags in the video generate standard good, interesting video title publish the video to the YouTube channel make automatic posts to the social networks and to the website