- Welcome to my homepage! 😄
- Give a star for this repo if it's helpful 😉
This repository will store all the code-related projects that I've done in EE major of HFUT. And all the projects are designed by myself(or with my teammates) and have been testified to be correct in specific environment.
No matter what, you can clone them at your personal computer and try to run these projects by yourself, which maybe quite interesting!
Files will extinct in one day and loss most of their maintainers
For these days, I was thinking that how can we give them endless meaning?
And my goal is to estimate a freely platform where both of us can discuss and learn from these basic examples.
- Projects in this repo
- Assembly
- Verilog HDL
- Hspice
- 4_order_amplifier
- Items provided
- source codes
- circuit schematics
Feel free to send me a message if there is anything wrong or for something else, you can send email to this account: [email protected]. Welcome for communication. 😄