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This work is licensed under the OpenAFC Project License, a copy of which is included in the LICENSE.txt file with this software program.

Table of Contents


This document describes the procedure for submitting the source code changes to the openAFC github project. Procedure described in this document requires access to the openAFC project and knowledge of the GIT usage. Please contact [email protected] in case you need access to the openAFC project. can be referred for details of alternate procedures for creating the pull requests, developers can use any of these methods but need to include change description as part of pull requests description.

OpenAFC conforms to all the requirements from FCC per 6GHz Report & Order and FCC 47 CFR Part 15.407 for unlicensed standard power devices in the 6 GHz band.

In addition, OpenAFC fully conforms to WinnForum’s Functional Requirements for the U.S. 6 GHz Band under the Control of an AFC System in WINNF-TS-1014-V1.4.0 ( This includes some of the implementation details – for example correction of FS parameters in the ULS database, FS antenna pattern, FS noise power and feederloss to use, calculation of near-field adjustment factor, calculation of interference to FS links with passive sites and diversity receivers, path loss models and their parameters, etc. Finally, OpenAFC fully conforms to the implementation details specified in WFA SUT Test Plan v1.5.

OpenAFC software deployment consists of multiple containers, and it can be deployed on a standalone system for test and development purposes via the provided docker-compose based solution. Instructions on how to build the containers and a sample docker-compose.yaml can be found in the OpenAFC Engine Server usage in Docker Environment.

OpenAFC software can also be deployed for production using the Kubernetes framework. Please refer to the for the instructions.

The sample docker-compose.yaml assumes that the required databases (e.g. terrain, landcover, winnforum databases, etc.) have been obtained and placed in an accessible folder according to the information in on Github.

Many of the components have additional README files inside folders that describe the additional configuration for each component. Default values are provided either inside the component or in the sample files that will work to stand up the system.

Note that this sample does not provide working SSL certificates for authentication to the server.


All contributions are welcome to this project.

How to contribute

  • File an issue - if you found a bug, want to request an enhancement, or want to implement something (bug fix or feature).
  • Send a pull request - if you want to contribute code. Please be sure to file an issue first.

Pull request best practices

We want to accept your pull requests. Please follow these steps:

Step 1: File an issue

Before writing any code, please file an Issue ticket using this Github's repository's 'Issues' tab, stating the problem you want to solve or the feature you want to implement along with a high-level description of the resolution. This allows us to give you feedback before you spend any time writing code. There may be a known limitation that can't be addressed, or a bug that has already been fixed in a different way. The issue ticket allows us to communicate and figure out if it's worth your time to write a bunch of code for the project.

Step 2: Clone OpenAFC GitHub repository

OpenAFC source repository can be cloned using the below command.

git clone [email protected]:Telecominfraproject/open-afc.git

This will create your own copy of our repository. about remote repositories

Step 3: Create a temporary branch

Create a temporary branch for making your changes. Keep a separate branch for each issue/feature you want to address .

git checkout -b <Issue ticket number>-branch_name

Highly desirable to use branch name from Issue ticket title, or use meaningful branch name reflecting the actual changes

eg. git checkout -b 146-update-readme-md-to-reflect-issueticket-and-branch-creation-procedure

Step 4: Make your changes

Review the Readme in the tools/editing directory to review the code style tools that are required. Pull requests not meeting the code style requirements will fail to build in the pull request.

Step 5: Commit your changes

As you develop code, commit your changes into your local feature branch. Please make sure to include the issue number you're addressing in your commit message. This helps us out by allowing us to track which issue/feature your commit relates to. Below command will commit your changes to the local branch. Note to use Issue ticket number at the beginning of commit message.

git commit -a -m "<Issue ticket number>  desctiption of the change  ..."

Step 6: Rebase

Before sending a pull request, rebase against upstream, such as:

git fetch origin
git rebase origin

This will add your changes on top of what's already in upstream, minimizing merge issues.

Step 7: Run the tests

Run sufficient targetted tests on the change made to validate that the change works as expected. Please document and submit the test requests/results in the Issue ticket.

This includes running the regression test framework available under the 'tests > regression' directory to verify your changes have not broken other portions of the system. Make sure that all regression tests are passing before submitting a pull request.

Step 8: Push your branch to GitHub

Push code to your remote feature branch. Below command will push your local branch along with the changes to OpenAFC GitHub.

git push -u origin <Issue ticket number>-branch_name

NOTE: The push can include several commits (not only one), but these commits should be related to the same logical change/issue fix/new feature originally described in the Step 1.

Step 9: Send the pull request

Send the pull request from your feature branch to us.

Change Description

When submitting a pull request, please use the following template to submit the change description, risks and validations done after making the changes (not a book, but an info required to understand the change/scenario/risks/test coverage)

  • Issue ticket number (from Step 1). A brief description of issue(s) being fixed and likelihood/frequency/severity of the issue, or description of new feature if it is a new feature.
  • Reproduction procedure: Details of how the issue could be reproduced / procedure to reproduce the issue. Description of Change: A detailed description of what the change is and assumptions / decisions made
  • Risks: Low, Medium or High and reasoning for the same.
  • Fix validation procedure:
    • Description of validations done after the fix.
    • Required regression tests: Describe what additional tests should be done to ensure no regressions in other functionalities.
    • Sanity test results as described in the Step 7

NOTE: Keep in mind that we like to see one issue addressed per pull request, as this helps keep our git history clean and we can more easily track down issues.

How to Build

AFC Engine build in docker and compose setup

Installing docker engine

Docker engine instructions specific to your OS are available on the Docker official website

Building the Docker images


Currently, all the prerequisites to build the containers for the system (except docker installation) are situated in this repository. All you need is to clone OpenAFC locally to your working directory and start all following commands from there.

In order to run the system, you will need to construct a data volume and make it available to the containers. See for details on what data is required.

Building Docker image from Dockerfiles

There is a script that builds all container used by the AFC service. This script is used by automatic test infrastructure. Please check tests/regression dir.

This script uses two environment variables PRIV_REPO and PUB_REPO to determine what repository to push images to. These values default to those used by the regression test infrastructure, but you should define them to refer to your repository. Note that the script

Using scripts from the code base

To rebuild and tag all containers in your local docker repository, use this script:

cd open-afc
tests/regression/ `pwd` my_tag 0

after the build, check all new containers:

docker images | grep my_tag

these containers are used by tests/regression/

To 'manually' build containers one by one:

cd open-afc

docker build . -t rat_server -f rat_server/Dockerfile

docker build . -t uls_service -f uls/Dockerfile-uls_service

docker build . -t msghnd -f msghnd/Dockerfile

docker build . -t ratdb -f ratdb/Dockerfile

docler build . -t objst -f objstorage/Dockerfile

docker build . -t rmq -f rabbitmq/Dockerfile

docker build . -t dispatcher -f dispatcher/Dockerfile

docker build . -t cert_db -f cert_db/Dockerfile

docker build . -t rcache -f rcache/Dockerfile

cd als && docker build . -t als_siphon   -f Dockerfile.siphon; cd ../
cd als && docker build . -t als_kafka    -f Dockerfile.kafka; cd ../
cd bulk_postgres && docker build . -t bulk_postgres -f Dockerfile; cd ../

celery worker prereq containers

docker build . -t worker-preinst -f worker/Dockerfile.preinstall

docker build . -t worker-build -f worker/

to build the worker using local preq containers:

docker build . -t worker -f worker/Dockerfile --build-arg PRINST_NAME=worker-preinst --build-arg PRINST_TAG=local --build-arg BLD_NAME=worker-build  --build-arg BLD_TAG=local

Prometheus Monitoring images

If you wish to use Prometheus to montitor your system, you can build these images

cd prometheus && docker build . -t  Dockerfile-prometheus -t prometheus-image ; cd ../
cd /prometheus && docker build . Dockerfile-cadvisor -t cadvisor-image ; cd ../
cd /prometheus && docker build . Dockerfile-nginxexporter -t nginxexporter-image  ; cd ../
cd /prometheus && docker build . Dockerfile-grafana -t grafana-image ; cd ../

Once built, docker images are usable as usual docker image.

Building OpenAFC engine

If you wish to build or run the engine component outside of the entire OpenAFC system, you can build the docker images that are needed for only that component.

NB: "-v" option in docker maps the folder of the real machine into the insides of the docker container.

"-v /tmp/work/open-afc:/wd/afc" means that contents of "/tmp/work/open-afc" folder will be available inside of container in /wd/afc/

goto the project dir

cd open-afc

If you have not already, build the worker build image

docker build . -t worker-build -f worker/

run shell of alpine docker-for-build shell

docker run --rm -it --user `id -u`:`id -g` --group-add `id -G | sed "s/ / --group-add /g"` -v `pwd`:/wd/afc worker-build:latest ash

inside the container's shell, execute:

mkdir -p -m 777 /wd/afc/build && BUILDREV=offlinebuild && cd /wd/afc/build && cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/wd/afc/__install -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=/usr -DBUILD_WITH_COVERAGE=off -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=EngineRelease -DSVN_LAST_REVISION=$BUILDREV -G Ninja /wd/afc && ninja -j$(nproc) install

Now the afc-engine is ready:

[@wcc-afc-01 work/dimar/open-afc] > ls -l build/src/afc-engine/afc-engine
-rwxr-xr-x. 1 dr942120 dr942120 4073528 Mar  8 04:03 build/src/afc-engine/afc-engine

run it from the default worker container:

docker run --rm -it --user `id -u`:`id -g` --group-add `id -G | sed "s/ / --group-add /g"` -v `pwd`:/wd/afc -v /opt/afc/worker:latest sh

inside the worker container execute the afc-engine app



OpenAFC containers needs several mappings to work properly. Assuming that you are using /var/databases on your host to store the databases, you can select either option 1 here (which is assumed in the docker compose shown below) or set mappings individually as shown in 2-6.

  1. All databases in one folder - map to /mnt/nfs/rat_transfer


    Those databases are:

    • 3dep
    • daily_uls_parse
    • databases
    • globe
    • itudata
    • nlcd
    • population
    • proc_gdal
    • proc_lidar_2019
    • RAS_Database
    • srtm3arcsecondv003
    • ULS_Database
    • nfa
    • pr
  2. LiDAR Databases to /mnt/nfs/rat_transfer/proc_lidar_2019

  3. RAS database to /mnt/nfs/rat_transfer/RAS_Database

  4. Actual ULS Databases to /mnt/nfs/rat_transfer/ULS_Database

  5. Folder with daily ULS Parse data /mnt/nfs/rat_transfer/daily_uls_parse

  6. Folder with AFC Config data /mnt/nfs/afc_config (now can be moved to Object Storage by default)


NB: All or almost all files and folders should be owned by user and group 1003 (currently - fbrat)

This can be applied via following command (mind the real location of these folders on your host system):

chown -R 1003:1003 /var/databases /var/afc_config


You would probably like to use docker-compose for setting up everything together - in this case feel free to use following docker-compose.yaml file as reference. also check docker-compose.yaml and .env files from tests/regression directory, which are used by OpenAFC CI.

Note that the image tags here are the ones from the manual build not the ones used by the script build.

version: '3.2'
    image: ratdb:${TAG:-latest}
    restart: always
    dns_search: [.]

    image: rmq:${TAG:-latest}
    restart: always
    dns_search: [.]

    image: dispatcher:${TAG:-latest}
    restart: always
      - "${EXT_PORT}:80"
      - "${EXT_PORT_S}:443"
      - ${VOL_H_NGNX:-/tmp}:${VOL_C_NGNX:-/dummyngnx}
      # set to true if required to enforce mTLS check
      - AFC_ENFORCE_MTLS=false
      - AFC_MSGHND_NAME=msghnd
      - AFC_MSGHND_PORT=8000
      - AFC_WEBUI_NAME=rat_server
      - AFC_WEBUI_PORT=80
      # Filestorage params:
      - AFC_OBJST_HOST=objst
      - AFC_OBJST_PORT=5000
      - msghnd
      - rat_server
    dns_search: [.]

    image: rat_server:${TAG:-latest}
      - ${VOL_H_DB}:${VOL_C_DB}
      - ./pipe:/pipe
      - ratdb
      - rmq
      - objst
      - als_kafka
      - als_siphon
      - bulk_postgres
      - rcache
      - NOTIFIER_MAIL.json
      - OIDC.json
      - REGISTRATION.json
    dns_search: [.]
      # RabbitMQ server name:
      - BROKER_TYPE=external
      - BROKER_FQDN=rmq
      # Filestorage params:
      - AFC_OBJST_HOST=objst
      - AFC_OBJST_PORT=5000
      # ALS params
      - ALS_KAFKA_SERVER_ID=rat_server
      # Rcache parameters
      - RCACHE_POSTGRES_DSN=postgresql://postgres:postgres@bulk_postgres/rcache
      - RCACHE_RMQ_DSN=amqp://rcache:rcache@rmq:5672/rcache

    image: msghnd:${TAG:-latest}
      # RabbitMQ server name:
      - BROKER_TYPE=external
      - BROKER_FQDN=rmq
      # Filestorage params:
      - AFC_OBJST_HOST=objst
      - AFC_OBJST_PORT=5000
      # ALS params
      - ALS_KAFKA_SERVER_ID=msghnd
      # Rcache parameters
      - RCACHE_POSTGRES_DSN=postgresql://postgres:postgres@bulk_postgres/rcache
      - RCACHE_RMQ_DSN=amqp://rcache:rcache@rmq:5672/rcache
    dns_search: [.]
      - ratdb
      - rmq
      - objst
      - als_kafka
      - als_siphon
      - bulk_postgres
      - rcache

    image: objst:${TAG:-latest}
      - AFC_OBJST_PORT=5000
      - AFC_OBJST_HIST_PORT=4999
      - AFC_OBJST_LOCAL_DIR=/storage
    dns_search: [.]

    image: worker:${TAG:-latest}
      - ${VOL_H_DB}:${VOL_C_DB}
      - ./pipe:/pipe
      # Filestorage params:
      - AFC_OBJST_HOST=objst
      - AFC_OBJST_PORT=5000
      # worker params
      - AFC_WORKER_CELERY_WORKERS=rat_1 rat_2
      # RabbitMQ server name:
      - BROKER_TYPE=external
      - BROKER_FQDN=rmq
      # afc-engine preload lib params
      - AFC_AEP_ENABLE=1
      - AFC_AEP_DEBUG=1
      - AFC_AEP_REAL_MOUNTPOINT=${VOL_C_DB}/3dep/1_arcsec
      # Rcache parameters
      - RCACHE_RMQ_DSN=amqp://rcache:rcache@rmq:5672/rcache
      # ALS params
      - ALS_KAFKA_SERVER_ID=worker
      - ratdb
      - rmq
      - objst
      - rcache
      - als_kafka
    dns_search: [.]

    image: als-kafka:${TAG:-latest}
    restart: always
    dns_search: [.]

    image: als-siphon:${TAG:-latest}
    restart: always
      - POSTGRES_HOST=bulk_postgres
      - INIT_IF_EXISTS=skip
      - als_kafka
      - bulk_postgres
    dns_search: [.]

    dns_search: [.]

    restart: always
      - ULS_SERVICE_STATE_DB_DSN=postgresql://postgres:postgres@bulk_postgres/fs_state
      - ULS_AFC_URL=http://msghnd:8000/fbrat/ap-afc/availableSpectrumInquiryInternal?nocache=True
      - ULS_DELAY_HR=1
      # Rcache parameters
      - ${VOL_H_DB}/ULS_Database:/rat_transfer/ULS_Database
      - ${VOL_H_DB}/RAS_Database:/rat_transfer/RAS_Database
      - NOTIFIER_MAIL.json
    dns_search: [.]

    image: cert_db:${TAG:-latest}
      - ratdb
      - ratdb
      - als_kafka
      - ALS_KAFKA_SERVER_ID=cert_db

    image: rcache:${TAG:-latest}
    restart: always
      - RCACHE_POSTGRES_DSN=postgresql://postgres:postgres@bulk_postgres/rcache
      - RCACHE_AFC_REQ_URL=http://msghnd:8000/fbrat/ap-afc/availableSpectrumInquiry?nocache=True
      - RCACHE_RULESETS_URL=http://rat_server/fbrat/ratapi/v1/GetRulesetIDs
      - RCACHE_CONFIG_RETRIEVAL_URL=http://rat_server/fbrat/ratapi/v1/GetAfcConfigByRulesetID
      - bulk_postgres
    dns_search: [.]

    image: grafana-image:${TAG:-latest}
    restart: always
      - prometheus
      - bulk_postgres
    dns_search: [.]

    image: prometheus-image:${TAG:-latest}
    restart: always
      - cadvisor
      - nginxexporter
    dns_search: [.]

    image:  cadvisor-image:${TAG:-latest}
    restart: always
    - /:/rootfs:ro
    - /var/run:/var/run:rw
    - /sys:/sys:ro
    - /var/lib/docker/:/var/lib/docker:ro
    - /dev/disk/:/dev/disk:ro
    dns_search: [.]

    image: nginxexporter-image:${TAG:-latest}
    restart: always
      - dispatcher
    dns_search: [.]

        file: ${VOL_H_SECRETS}/NOTIFIER_MAIL.json
        file: ${VOL_H_SECRETS}/OIDC.json
        file: ${VOL_H_SECRETS}/REGISTRATION.json

.env file used with the docker-compose.yaml. please read comments in the file and update it accordingly

# --------------------------------------------------- #
# docker-compose.yaml variables                       #
# convention: Host volume VOL_H_XXX will be mapped    #
# as container's volume VOL_C_YYY                     #
# VOL_H_XXX:VOL_C_YYY                                 #
# --------------------------------------------------- #

# -= MUST BE defined =-
# Hostname for AFC server
# Wether to forward all http requests to https

# Host static DB root dir

# Container's static DB root dir (dont change it !)

#RAT user to be used in containers

# AFC service external PORTs configuration
# syntax:
# [IP]:<port | portN-portM>
# like
# where:
#  IP is
#  port range is 80-180

# Here we configuring range of external ports to be used by the service
# docker-compose randomly uses one port from the range

# Note 1:
# The IP arrdess can be skipped if there is only one external
# IP address (i.e. 80-180 w/o IP address is acceptable as well)

# Note 2:
# range of ports can be skipped . and just one port is acceptable as well

# all these valuase are acaptable:
# PORT=80-180
# PORT=80

# http ports range

# https host ports range


# Port on which ALS Kafka server listens for clients

# ALS Kafka server host name

# Maximum ALS message size (default 1MB is too tight for GUI AFC Response)


# Symlink pointing to current ULS database


# True (1, t, on, y, yes) to enable use of Rcache. False (0, f, off, n, no) to
# use legacy file-based cache. Default is True

# Port Rcache service listens os


# Host directory containing secret files

# Directory inside container where to secrets are mounted (always /run/secrets
# in Compose, may vary in Kubernetes)

# -= OPTIONAL =-
# to work without tls/mtls,remove these variables from here
# if you have tls/mtls configuration, keep configuration
# files in these host volumes

Just create this file on the same level with Dockerfile and you are almost ready. Verify that the VOL_H_DB setting in the .env file is pointing at your host directory with the databases.

Just run in this folder following command and it is done:

docker-compose up -d

Keep in mind that on the first run it will build and pull all the needed containers and it can take some time (based on your machine power). You may want to do a build (see Building Docker image from Dockerfiles)

After the initial start of the server we recommend to stop it and then start again using these commands:

docker-compose down
docker-compose up -d

If you later need to rebuild the server with the changes - simply run this command:

docker-compose build

and then restart it. To force rebuild it completely use --no-cache option:

docker-compose build --no-cache

NB: the postgres container requires the folder /mnt/nfs/pgsql/data to be owned by it's internal user and group postgres, which both have id 999.

You can achieve it this way (mind the real location of these folders on your host system):

chown 999:999 /var/databases/pgdata

Initial configuration and first user

On the first start of the PostgreSQL server there are some initial steps to do. First to create the database. Its default name now is fbrat. If you are using compose script described above, everything will be done automatically to prepare the database for intialization.

After that, once OpenAFC server is started, you need to create DB structure for the user database. This can be done using a rat-manage-api utility.

rat-manage-api db-create

If you do it with the server which is run thru the docker-compose script described above, you can do it using this command:

docker-compose exec rat_server rat-manage-api db-create

Initial Super Administrator account

Once done with database and starting the server, you need to create default administrative user to handle your server from WebUI. It is done from the server console using the rat-manage-api utility.

If you are running from the compose file described above, you first need to get the OpenAFC server console.

docker-compose exec rat_server bash

it will return something like this:

[root@149372a2ac05 wd]#

this means you are in.

By default, the login uses non OIDC login method which manages user accounts locally. You can use the following command to create an administrator for your OpenAFC server.

rat-manage-api user create --role Super --role Admin --role AP --role Analysis admin "Enter Your Password Here"

Once done, you can authorize with this user and password in WebUI. To exit the console press Ctrl+D or type the 'exit' command.

If you would like to use OIDC login method, please read

Environment variables

Name Default val Container Notes
RabbitMQ settings
BROKER_TYPE internal rat-server,msghnd,worker whether internal or external AFC RMQ service used
BROKER_PROT amqp rat-server,msghnd,worker what protocol used for AFC RMQ service
BROKER_USER celery rat-server,msghnd,worker user used for AFC RMQ service
BROKER_PWD celery rat-server,msghnd,worker password used for AFC RMQ service
BROKER_FQDN localhost rat-server,msghnd,worker IP/domain name of AFC RMQ service
BROKER_PORT 5672 rat-server,msghnd,worker port of AFC RMQ service
RMQ_LOG_CONSOLE_LEVEL warning rmq RabbitMQ console log level (debug, info, warning, error, critical, none)
AFC Object Storage please read objst
AFC_OBJST_HOST objst,rat-server,msghnd,worker file storage service host domain/IP
AFC_OBJST_PORT 5000 objst,rat-server,msghnd,worker file storage service port
AFC_OBJST_SCHEME 'HTTP' rat-server,msghnd,worker file storage service scheme. HTTP or HTTPS
AFC_OBJST_MEDIA LocalFS objst The media used for storing files by the service. The possible values are LocalFS - store files on docker's FS. GoogleCloudBucket - store files on Google Store
AFC_OBJST_LOCAL_DIR /storage objst file system path to stored files in file storage container. Used only when AFC_OBJST_MEDIA is LocalFS
AFC_OBJST_LOG_LVL ERROR objst logging level of the file storage. The relevant values are DEBUG and ERROR
AFC_OBJST_HIST_PORT 4999 objst,rat-server,msghnd,worker history service port
AFC_OBJST_WORKERS 10 objst number of gunicorn workers running objst server
AFC_OBJST_HIST_WORKERS 2 objst number of gunicorn workers runnining history server
MSGHND settings
AFC_MSGHND_BIND msghnd the socket to bind. a string of the form:
AFC_MSGHND_PORT 8000 msghnd the port to use in bind. a string of the form:
AFC_MSGHND_PID /run/gunicorn/ msghnd a filename to use for the PID file
AFC_MSGHND_WORKERS 20 msghnd the number of worker processes for handling requests
AFC_MSGHND_TIMEOUT 180 msghnd workers silent for more than this many seconds are killed and restarted
AFC_MSGHND_ACCESS_LOG msghnd the Access log file to write to. Default to don't. Use /proc/self/fd/2 for console
AFC_MSGHND_ERROR_LOG /proc/self/fd/2 msghnd the Error log file to write to
AFC_MSGHND_LOG_LEVEL info msghnd The granularity of Error log outputs (values are 'debug', 'info', 'warning', 'error', 'critical'
worker settings please read afc-engine-preload
AFC_AEP_ENABLE Not defined worker Enable the preload library if defined
AFC_AEP_FILELIST /aep/list/aep.list worker Path to file tree info file
AFC_AEP_DEBUG 0 worker Log level. 0 - disable, 1 - log time of read operations
AFC_AEP_LOGFILE /aep/log/aep.log worker Where to write the log
AFC_AEP_CACHE /aep/cache worker Where to store the cache
AFC_AEP_CACHE_MAX_FILE_SIZE 50000000 worker Cache files with size less than the value
AFC_AEP_CACHE_MAX_SIZE 1000000000 worker Max cache size
AFC_AEP_REAL_MOUNTPOINT /mnt/nfs/rat_transfer worker Redirect read access to there
AFC_AEP_ENGINE_MOUNTPOINT value of AFC_AEP_REAL_MOUNTPOINT worker Redirect read access from here
AFC_WORKER_CELERY_WORKERS rat_1 worker Celery worker name(s) to use
AFC_WORKER_CELERY_OPTS worker Additional celery worker options
AFC_WORKER_CELERY_LOG INFO worker Celery log level. ERROR or INFO or DEBUG
AFC_ENGINE_LOG_LVL 'info' worker afc-engine log level
AFC_MSGHND_NAME msghnd dispatcher Message handler service hostname
AFC_MSGHND_PORT 8000 dispatcher Message handler service HTTP port
AFC_WEBUI_NAME rat_server dispatcher WebUI service hostname
AFC_WEBUI_PORT 80 dispatcher WebUI service HTTP Port
AFC_ENFORCE_HTTPS TRUE dispatcher Wether to enforce forwarding of HTTP requests to HTTPS. TRUE - for enable, everything else - to disable
AFC_SERVER_NAME "_" dispatcher Hostname of the AFC Server, for example - "". "_" - will accept any hostname (but this is not secure)
RCACHE settings
RCACHE_ENABLED TRUE rcache, rat_server, msghnd, worker, uls_downloader TRUE if Rcache enabled, FALSE to use legacy objstroage response cache
RCACHE_POSTGRES_DSN Must be set rcache, rat_server, msghnd Connection string to Rcache Postgres database
RCACHE_SERVICE_URL Must be set rat_server, msghnd, worker, uls_downloader Rcache service REST API base URL
RCACHE_RMQ_DSN Must be set rat_server, msghnd, worker AMQP URL to RabbitMQ vhost that workers use to communicate computation result
RCACHE_UPDATE_ON_SEND TRUE TRUE if worker sends result to Rcache server, FALSE if msghnd/rat_server
RCACHE_CLIENT_PORT 8000 rcache Rcache REST API port
RCACHE_AFC_REQ_URL REST API Rcache precomputer uses to send invalidated AFC requests for precomputation. No precomputation if not set
RCACHE_RULESETS_URL REST API Rcache spatial invalidator uses to retrieve AFC Configs' rulesets. Default invalidation distance usd if not set
RCACHE_CONFIG_RETRIEVAL_URL REST API Rcache spatial invalidator uses to retrieve AFC Config by ruleset. Default invalidation distance usd if not set

RabbitMQ settings

There is a way to conifugre AFC server to use a RabbitMQ broker from different docker image. Following the list of environment variables you may configure a server to use 'external' Rabbit MQ instance.

BROKER_TYPE = external
BROKER_USER = celery
BROKER_PWD  = celery
BROKER_FQDN = <ip address>

Following the example to use RabbitMQ service in docker-compose.

    restart: always

Managing the PostgreSQL database for users

Upgrading PostgresSQL

When PostgreSQL is upgraded the pgdata should be converted to be compatible with the new PostgreSQL version. It can be done by tools/db_tools/ script.

tools/db_tools/ [pgdata_dir] [postgres_password] [old_postgres_version] [new_postgres_version]

This script makes a backup of [pgdata_dir] to [pgdata_dir].back and puts the converted db in [pgdata_dir]. This command should be run under root permissions, i.e. 'sudo tools/db_tools/ ...'

Example: convert db which was created by PostgreSQL version 9.6 to be used by PostgreSQL version 14.7:

sudo tools/db_tools/ ./pgdata qwerty 9.6 14.7

Note for an existing user database

Database format has changed over time. If your user database uses older format, you might find errors indicating missing database fields upon bootup and login. The error message has instructions on how to migrate the database. These steps apply whether you're using OIDC or non OIDC login method. You have sereral options:

1. Reinitialize the database without users:

rat-manage-api db-drop
rat-manage-api db-create

This will wipe out existing users, e.g. user acounts need to be manually recreated again.

2. Migrate the database with users:

rat-manage-api db-upgrade

Managing user accounts

Users can be created and removed. User roles can be added and removed. Remove user with user remove command, e.g.:

rat-manage-api user remove [email protected]

Update user roles with user update command, e.g.:

rat-manage-api user update --role Admin --role AP --role Analysis --email "[email protected]"

Create user with user create command. If org argument is not given, the organization can be derived from the username if it's given in the form of an email address e.g.:

rat-manage-api user create --role Admin --role AP --role Analysis --org "username" "mypassword'

User roles

Roles are: Super, admin, AP, Admin, Analysis, Trial "Super" is the highest level role, which allows access rights to all organizations, as opposed to "Admin", which is limited to one organization. When upgrade from older system without "Super", you will need to decide which users to be assigned role of "Super" and update their roles via the user update command.


Vanilla installation comes with placeholder file for client certificate bundle.

Besides the GUI, mtls certificates can be managed via CLI. To list certificates:

rat-manage-api mtls list

To add certificates:

rat-manage-api mtls create --src <certificate file> --org <Organization name> --note <Short Note>

To remove certificates:

rat-manage-api mtls remove --id <certificate id obtained from list command>

To dump a certificate to a file:

rat-manage-api mtls dump --id <certificate id obtained from list command> --dst <file name>

Happy usage!

ULS database update automation

ULS Database needs (preferrably daily) updates to be up-to-date with regulators requirements. See README in uls for instructions and configuration. The docker compose given above will create a container that runs the daily ULS update service.


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