Implementation of Argon2 key derivation function designed by Alex Biryukov, Daniel Dinu, and Dmitry Khovratovich. Optimized for PinnedMemory.
From a command prompt
dotnet add package Argon2.NetCore
Install-Package Argon2.NetCore
You can also search for package via your nuget ui / website:
You can find more examples in the github examples project.
var iv = new byte[16];
var key = new byte[32];
using var provider = new RNGCryptoServiceProvider();
using var keyPin = new PinnedMemory<byte>(key, false);
using var argon2 = new Argon2(keyPin, iv)
Addressing = Argon2.AddressType.DependentAddressing,
HashLength = 64,
MemoryCost = 65536,
Lanes = 4,
Threads = 2,
TimeCost = 3
argon2.UpdateBlock(new PinnedMemory<byte>(new byte[] {63, 61, 77, 20, 63, 61, 77, 20, 63, 61, 77}, false), 0, 11); // caw caw caw in utf8
using var hash = new PinnedMemory<byte>(new byte[argon2.GetLength()]);
argon2.DoFinal(hash, 0);
Argon2(PinnedMemory<byte> key, byte[] salt, byte[] associatedData = null)
Length of hash to output, typically 32, 64.
Parallelism number of parallel threads, typically 4, or number of cpu cores.
Number of threads to spawn in relation to parallelism. This is typically 1, or number of cpu cores.
Amount of memory (in kibibytes) to use. The more that's used the harder it may be for GPU's to process.
Amount of interations to use. The more that's used the harder it may be for CPU's to process.
Get the hash output length.
int GetLength()
Update the hash with a single byte.
void Update(byte input)
Update the hash with a pinned memory byte array.
void UpdateBlock(PinnedMemory<byte> input, int inOff, int len)
Update the hash with a byte array.
void UpdateBlock(byte[] input, int inOff, int len)
Produce the final hash outputting to pinned memory. Key & salt remain until dispose is called.
void DoFinal(PinnedMemory<byte> output, int outOff)
Reset the hash back to it's initial state for further processing. Key & salt remain until dispose is called.
void Reset()
Clear key & salt, reset hash back to it's initial state.
void Dispose()