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Secure Frame (SFrame)

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This library is an implementation of Sframe (RFC 9605) and provides and end-to-end encryption mechanism for media frames that is suited for WebRTC conferences. It was forked from the original goto-opensource/secure-frame-rs and is continued here.

Supported crypto libraries

Currently two crypto libraries are supported:

  • ring
    • is enabled per default with the feature ring
    • supports compilation to Wasm32
    • Aes-CTR mode ciphers are not supported
  • openssl
    • is enabled with the feature openssl
      • To build e.g. use cargo build --features openssl --no-default-features
    • uses rust bindings to OpenSSL.
    • Per default the OpenSSL library is locally compiled and then statically linked. The build process requires a C compiler, perl (and perl-core), and make. For further options see the openssl crate documentation.
    • Compilation to Wasm32 is not yet supported
  • rust crypto
    • is enabled with the feature rust-crypto
      • to build e.g. use cargo build --features rust-crypto --no-default-features
    • pure rust implementation of the necessary crypto primitives (AES-GCM, SHA-512, HKDF, AES-CTR)
    • Compilation to Wasm32 is supported

Both cannot be enabled at the same time, thus on conflict sframe issues a compiler error.


The API provides low-level access to encryption and decryption at the frame level.

It allows the use of arbitrary buffers, enabling the creation of views to avoid unnecessary copies:

  • MediaFrameView for unencrypted data
  • EncryptedFrameView for encrypted data

For encryption and decryption, a buffer must be provided implementing the FrameBuffer trait to allocate the necessary memory. For convenience, this trait has already been implemented for Vec<u8>.

There is also a variant which allocates the necessary memory and owns the buffers:

  • MediaFrame for unencrypted data
  • EncryptedFrame for encrypted data

To convert between MediaFrame(View) and EncryptedFrame(View) , an EncryptionKey or DecryptionKey is needed, which needs to be derived from a shared and secret key material.

+------------------+                                  +---------------------+
|                  |                                  |                     |
|                  |       decrypt/decrypt_into       |                     |
|                  |        (DecryptionKey)           |                     |
|  MediaFrame(View)|  <-----------------------------  | EncryptedFrame(View)|
|                  |                                  |                     |
|                  |       encrypt/encrypt_into       |                     |
|                  |        (EncryptionKey)           |                     |
|                  |  ----------------------------->  |                     |
|                  |                                  |                     |
+------------------+                                  +---------------------+

For example:

use sframe::{
    frame::{EncryptedFrameView, MediaFrameView, MonotonicCounter},
    key::{DecryptionKey, EncryptionKey},

let key_id = 42u64;
let enc_key = EncryptionKey::derive_from(CipherSuiteVariant::AesGcm256Sha512, key_id, "pw123").unwrap();
let mut counter = MonotonicCounter::default();
let payload = "Something secret";

let mut encrypt_buffer = Vec::new();
let mut decrypt_buffer = Vec::new();
let media_frame = MediaFrameView::new(&mut counter, payload);

let encrypted_frame = media_frame.encrypt_into(&enc_key, &mut encrypt_buffer).unwrap();

let mut dec_key = DecryptionKey::derive_from(CipherSuiteVariant::AesGcm256Sha512, key_id, "pw123").unwrap();
let decrypted_media_frame = encrypted_frame
    .decrypt_into(&mut dec_key, &mut decrypt_buffer)

assert_eq!(decrypted_media_frame, media_frame);

Additionally the library provides:


  • sender_receiver
    • Demonstrates how the API can be used in an application to encrypt and decrypt frames between two parties.
    • Implements a Sender which encrypts frames Receiver which decrypts them.
    • Shows how to use the ratchet mechanism and the frame validation (Reply Protection).
  • bip_frame_buffer
    • Demonstrates how to use the API with an arbitrary buffer implemetation with the FrameBuffer trait.
  • generate_headers
    • Serialize/Deserialize the plain SFrame headers.


The criterion benchmarks located at ./benches currently test

  • encryption/decryption with all available cipher suites and different frame size
  • key derivation with all available cipher suites
  • header (de)serialization

They are tracked continously with a Bencher Perf Page:

Decryption (AES-GCM) Decrypt (AES-CTR)
Encrypt (AES-GCM) Encrypt (AES-CTR)
Key Derivation for sframe-rs - Bencher


Any help in form of descriptive and friendly issues or comprehensive pull requests are welcome!

The Changelog of this library is generated from its commit log, there any commit message must conform with For simplicity you could make your commits with convco.


Licensed under either of Apache License, Version 2.0 or MIT license at your option.
Unless you explicitly state otherwise, any contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in this project by you, as defined in the Apache-2.0 license, shall be dual licensed as above, without any additional terms or conditions.


An implementation of the SFrame standard (



Apache-2.0, MIT licenses found

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