For educational and non-profit uses only. All trademarks, logos and brand names are the property of their respective owners.
This repository contains some python code for retrieving data from the kickbase API and also a react web app for visualization.
The data collection and building of the web app is automated by cron jobs and runs daily. The results are published to this GitHub Pages website If you are interested in how I set it up, check out this guide
If you are interested in running the code for your own league locally, follow this small guide.
Assuming you have Python (3.10) already setup, run the following commands to setup the environment and run the code for data collection:
cd data/
pip install pipenv
pipenv install
pipenv run --kbuser [email protected] --kbpw yourpassword123 --league="Your League Name" --ignore ManagerX ManagerY
Giving the name of your league is optional. If not set, your first league (probably the one you are part of the longest time) will be used.
Also optional is the --ignore
parameter. With that you can specify one or more manager names to be ignored for data collection (e.g. for inactive or bot acocunts).
The resulting .json files need to be copied to the frontend folder:
cp data/*.json frontend/src/data
After that, assuming you have Node 18.x and npm setup, run the following commands to start the development server (reachable under http://localhost:3000/kickbase-analysis):
cd frontend/
npm install
npm start
Feel free to contact me on discord (r0man51) or open an issue if you have any questions.