React native wheel picker for both iOS and android.
This is not original but inspired by react-native-wheel-datepicker
- For Picker of iOS use @react-native-picker/picker
- For DatePicker of iOS use @react-native-community/datetimepicker
- For Picker and DatePicker of Android use WheelPicker of AigeStudio
React Native >= 0.60+
npm install react-native-wheel-pick --save-dev --legacy-peer-deps
npm install @react-native-picker/picker --save-dev --legacy-peer-deps
npm install @react-native-community/datetimepicker --save-dev --legacy-peer-deps
npx pod-install
npx react-native start --reset-cache // clear cache
npx react-native run-ios // re-build native-code
npx react-native run-android // re-build native-code for gradle
React Native < 0.60
npm install react-native-wheel-pick
react-native link react-native-wheel-pick
import { Picker, DatePicker } from 'react-native-wheel-pick';
// use Picker
style={{ backgroundColor: 'white', width: 300, height: 215 }}
pickerData={['item1', 'item2', 'item3', 'item4', 'item5', 'item6', 'item7']}
onValueChange={value => { console.log(value) }}
// use DatePicker
style={{ backgroundColor: 'white', width: 370, height: 240 }}
onDateChange={date => { console.log(date) }}
// for TypeScript
onValueChange={(value: string) => { console.log(value) }}
onDateChange={(date: Date) => { console.log(date) }}
// Set Text Color
<Picker textColor="red" />
// DatePicker set default select date
style={{ height: 215, width: 300 }}
date={new Date('2018-06-27')} // Optional prop - default is Today
onDateChange={date => { console.log(date) }}
// DatePicker set min/max Date
style={{ height: 215, width: 300 }}
minimumDate={new Date('2000-01-01')}
maximumDate={new Date('2050-12-31')}
onDateChange={date => { console.log(date) }}
// pickerData also support array of object. (Optional Way)
// Normal Way
pickerData={['item1', 'item2', 'item3', 'item4', 'item5', 'item6', 'item7']}
onValueChange={value => { console.log(value) }}
// Optional Way
// `label` only use for show Text to UI.
// You cannot get `label` from onValueChange
{ value : '5765387677', label : 'item1' },
{ value : '5765387678', label : 'item2' },
{ value : '5765387679', label : 'item3' },
{ value : '5765387680', label : 'item4' },
{ value : '5765387681', label : 'item5' },
{ value : '5765387682', label : 'item6' },
{ value : '5765387683', label : 'item7' },
onValueChange={value => { console.log(value) }} // '5765387680'
// Android Only.
// These is special props for Android. (iOS and Web not work)
// You can also use these props for DatePicker, too.
isShowSelectBackground={false} // Default is true
selectBackgroundColor='#8080801A' // support HEXA color Style (#rrggbbaa)
// (Please always set 'aa' value for transparent)
isShowSelectLine={false} // Default is true
selectLineSize={6} // Default is 4
// Android Only.
order='D-M-Y' // Default is M-D-Y
// Test on Web (Platform.OS === 'Web')
<Picker style={{ height: 50 }} />
// DatePicker still not supported on Web.
I rarely check this lib. (6 Months - 3 Years). Up on my life's time.
If you want to pay me coffee for quickly check & merge your request. You can sponsor me
OR you can fork this project instead.
- Test on
Platform.OS === 'web'
- Only
<Picker />
can use on Web.<DatePicker />
still not supported on Web.
- Fix state is not updating after onValueChange in Picker Component. Thanks to @spasma
- Test on React Native Version 0.77
- Support UIManager New Architecture of React Native
- Use Handler for fix 23 index problem. Thanks to @mykhailoperemitko @A-ANing
- Now iOS can use
, too. Add missing color option for iOS @aurotones
- Fix typescript warning
- Update compileSDK to version 33.
- Remove
- Support for peer dependencies React 18 by
- compileSdk -> compileSdkVersion
- Add more step for How to use
- Change License from MIT to Apache-2.0
- Add NOTICE file for credit original author.
- Fix peerDependency do not break other version.
- Fix WheelCurvedPicker not found for first run.
- DatePicker support order prop.
- Fix Readme wrong type.
- Restructure code of Picker iOS and Android.
- pickerData support array of object.
- Update sdk support for SDK Version 30 (Google Play need sdk version 30+)
- Now android support for style of selectLine / selectBackground. Special thanks to @kaisv7n for his pull request, Update WheelPicker version, exposed more methods and fixed crash on android I changed prop name for more understandable.
- DatePicker of Android also support width.
- Deprecated some android prop that make library faster. (Atmospheric / Curved / visibleItemCount / itemSpace) If you want it back pull request are welcome.
- Change some prop name for make code more understandable.
- If update from version <= 1.1.2. You will get warning about Deprecated prop if you still use, I write some logic for make app not crash. (Please fix warning if possible.)
- Do not use PickerIOS and DatePickerIOS of 'react-native' anymore.
import { Platform } from 'react-native';
import { Picker, DatePicker } from 'react-native-wheel-pick';
const isIos = Platform.OS === 'ios'
// use Picker
style={{ backgroundColor: 'white', width: 300, height: 215 }}
pickerData={['item1', 'item2', 'item3', 'item4', 'item5', 'item6', 'item7']}
onValueChange={value => { }}
itemSpace={30} // this only support in android
// use DatePicker
style={{ backgroundColor: 'white', height: 215, width: isIos ? 300 : undefined }}
// android not support width
onDateChange={date => { }}
- For iOS use default PickerIOS / DatePickerIOS of React Native.
- For Android use WheelPicker of WheelPicker
- Line color is white in android. (Support Line style in future. Pull request welcome)
- Line color is grey in IOS but it has bug line not show in Picker (iOS 11.4 not sure other version).
// DatePicker set default choose date
style={{ height: 215, width: isIos ? 300 : undefined }}
date={new Date('2018-06-27')} // Optional prop - default is Today
onDateChange={date => { }}
// DatePicker set min/max Date
style={{ height: 215, width: isIos ? 300 : undefined }}
minimumDate={new Date('2000-01-01')}
maximumDate={new Date('2050-12-31')}
onDateChange={date => { }}
- Edit broken url.
- Edit broken url.
- Use react-native.config.js instead of rnpm section. @darkbluesun
- Add safeExtGet to get sdk version from root project.@darkbluesun
- Fix bug props date of DatePicker is not work right.
- Support props for date picker (date / minimumDate / maximumDate)
- Fix bug cannot read property 'getTime' of null
- Fix bug android value wrong from array
- Fix Lifecycle for support React 16 (Remove componentWillMount / componentWillReceiveProps)
- Fix bug onValueChange occur first time without change
- Support compileSDKVersion 26
Copyright 2022
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.