This is an API designed to collect and simplify US Education data, created by Pahlka Posse (a civic tech group at Turing School of Software and Design). We'll be updating it as we include new data sources, so check back soon!
A Rails API storing data in a PostgreSQL database. Data was scraped from a PDF using our home-grown PDF scraper and imported with a custom rake task. CSS is customized Spectre and testing is handled by RSpec + Capybara.
You can access our web-based API (see here) via the commands below, or download and run the app locally. Either way, you'll need the following info:
Send a GET request to (for example) Replace with your own localhost preference.
This data comes from the National Center for Education Statistics and is from the fiscal year 2013.
git clone
cd Edualize
bundle install
Still within the Edualize directory, do the following:
- Make sure you have PostgreSQL running.
rake db:create db:migrate db:test:prepare
Run rake import_charter_non_charter
If you run into any problems, feel free to get in touch with us or file an issue.