├── assets
│ ├── fonts # Font icons
│ ├── data # Data sources
│ ├── images # Image files ( SVG, PNG, JPG )
├── i18n # Translate languages
│ ├── en.json
│ ├── vi.json
├── dist # Build folder for dev-server watch source code
├── public # Build folder for deploy production
├── server # Server side rendering
│ ├── app.js # Create app for server side render
│ ├── App.vue # App Vue template
│ ├── index.js # Run app server
├── deploy # Deploy slack bot
├── environments # Deploy environments
├── src
│ ├── api # API Request
│ ├── components # Vue Components
│ ├── modals # Modal view
│ ├── config # Config router, constant
│ ├── containers # Container subview for page ( include by component view, modal view, etc... )
│ ├── pages # Page view for each routes
│ ├── store # Root store for app
│ ├── styles
│ ├── types # Define types for each module
│ ├── utils
│ ├── main.ts
├── webpack
│ ├── base.js # Base webpack config
│ ├── dev.js # Webpack config for dev-server watch source code
│ ├── production.js # Webpack config for build production
│ ├── server.js # Webpack config for server side render
│ ├── index.js # Webpack config load ENV
├── .env # ENV config for webpack builder ( API, APP_URL, NODE_ENV, PORT, etc... )
├── .env.development # ENV config info ( helpful clone to .env file )
├── .eslintignore # Ignore validate EsLint some files
├── .eslintrc # EsLint config
├── .nvmrc # Project nodejs version
├── .prettierignore # Ignore validate Prettier some files
├── .prettierrc # Prettier config
├── .stylelintrc # Stylelint config
├── babel.config.js # Babel plugins config
├── index.html
├── package.json
├── server.js # Server side render app run
├── tsconfig.json # Typescript config
├── webpack.config.js # Load from folder Webpack
├── yarn.lock
└── ...
- Eslint
- CSSlint
- Typescript
- Linter
- Linter EsLint
- Prettier
- Vue 2
- Webpack 5
- Webpack plugins ( uglifyjs, compression, manifest, preload resources, optimize module loader, etc... )
- Typescript
- ESLint / TSLint / Stylint
- Use nodejs version 16
Clone .env.development to .env file
- Install node_modules
yarn install
- Run server-dev local
yarn dev
- Build production
yarn start
- Run server side render
- Nginx config example
server {
listen 80;
server_name test.local.com;
root /var/www/esglibrary-frontend/public; # public for build production
index index.html index.htm;
if ($http_x_forwarded_proto = http) {
return 301 https://$server_name$request_uri;
location / {
try_files $uri$args $uri$args/ $uri $uri/ /index.html =404;
location ~* \.(3gp|gif|jpg|jpeg|png|ico|wmv|avi|asf|asx|mpg|mpeg|mp4|pls|mp3|mid|wav|swf|flv|exe|zip|tar|rar|gz|tgz|bz2|uha|7z|doc|docx|xls|xlsx|pdf|iso|eot|svg|ttf|woff)$ {
gzip_static off;
add_header Pragma public;
add_header Cache-Control "public, must-revalidate, proxy-revalidate";
access_log off;
expires 30d;
location ~* \.(txt|js|css)$ {
add_header Pragma public;
add_header Content-Encoding gzip; # This config for gzip files ( css, js )
add_header Cache-Control "public, must-revalidate, proxy-revalidate";
access_log off;
expires 30d;
- Please create new brand with your issue.
- Please pull new code from develop brand before checkout your brand
- Branch naming
- feat/USDOL-xxx
- fix/USDOL-xxx
- refactor/USDOL-xxx
- docs/USDOL-xxx
- style/USDOL-xxx
- perf/USDOL-xxx
- vendor/USDOL-xxx
- chore/USDOL-xxx
- Please don't include anything that not been developed by you.
- Please don't commit anything that can be regenerated from other things that were committed such as node_modules.
- Your code, you must be cleanup and please check format code before commit ( tabs, spaces, blank )
- In your message commit, please reference your issue for review task. Ex:
git commit -m"[feat][USDOL-1] Message
- Commit message
clean ( commit code detail, message fix bug, etc... ) How to write good message - Please using develop brand for development and don't use master brand.
- Merge code from develop brand and if conflict please fix conflict.
- Make sure eslint / tslint has verified ( please don't use git commit option
) - Don't use
git rebase
git reset
git force
- Create new pull request with your brand and merge to develop brand.
- Add reviewers for review your pull request.
- When you create new pull request if you see conflict, please decline pull request and fix.
- Pull request
to have video record / image evidence for task result your commit. - Pull request title
clean and have ticket ID. Ex: [feat][usdol-1] Implement SignIn page