A simple JSON formatter.
- Deno 🎃
deno install --unstable --allow-read --allow-write https://deno.land/x/jason_formatter/jason.ts
- Node.js 🐼
npm install --global jason-formatter
jason config.json
By default, 2 tabs are used, to specify how many tabs you want 👇
jason config.json --tabs 4 # same as -t 4
The API is the same on all this platforms ✔️
import { jason } from "https://deno.land/x/jason_formatter/mod.ts";
const data = `{"nick":9}`;
jason(data); /* {
"nick": 9
import { jason } from "jason-formatter";
You can use any CDN 🔥
Eg 👉
Is hosted on Deno Doc 📄
I did this while learning TypeScript long time ago, It was originally written for Node.js but I'm porting most of my packages to Deno.
It's basically a wrapper around JSON.stringify 😆
Open an Issue, I will check it a soon as possible 👀
If you want to hurry me up a bit send me a tweet 😆
Consider supporting me on Patreon if you like my work 🙏
Don't forget to star the repo ⭐
We use Semantic Versioning. For the versions available, see the tags 🏷️
Licensed under the MIT License 📄