Update: Floke(👑) added support for tectonic
in his shack.nvim
folke/snacks.nvim#1253 (comment) (🤯 he added support and replied to me with in 1h.. what a legend..)
Consider project archived (i am not archving it as repo become read only)....
As now there is a better well maintained plugin for image support for neovim, image.nvim, i am considering porting this into it in the future...
Anyone wanted to work on this can fork this if you let me know, i will add link to that for at top of this read me and archive this repo.
A simple Neovim plugin for previewing latex equations in markdown/orgmode/norg/tex files
by following this instruction https://tectonic-typesetting.github.io/en-US/install.html -
(probablty already installed on linux systems) -
also make sure you have hologram.nvim installed https://github.com/edluffy/hologram.nvim
then add this plugin to your plugin manager lazy.nvim
- find pos of equations and place images
- keep track of images generated, keep it in memory and don't generate each time
- scrolling with the buffer, (taken care by hologram itself)
- exposing options to configure custom tex engine and custom preamble
- proper installation instructions
This was started for me to learn and test similar impl for neorg,- not for daily use latex redering base implementation i took from Vhirro's neorg's unmerged branch, https://github.com/nvim-neorg/neorg/commit/73ca7b63c79a76d5cd8a3f0b39c5d171c1406fdc though there are a lot of changes now as this is using a different latex engine