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Vim plugin for the Pomodoro time management technique

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Vimodoro is a Vim plugin for the Pomodoro time management technique.

This Vimodoro plugin originated from adelarsq, which in turn originated from mnick/vim-pomodoro.

This is my first time working on a Vim plugin, so I forked mnick's Vim-Pomodoro and added the modified version from Adelarsq's in order to keep track of the complete changes history within this repository for learning purposes and to show appreciation for their work.


Currently, this version of Vimodoro is solely dependent on the Vim-Airline plugin. Once this plugin loaded and the Pomodoro state is inactive, it will display current date and time in the g:airline_section_y statusline.

Vimodoro can also be integrated with RTM (Remember The Milk), a task management application. This integration allows users to select a task from RTM's task list to be started in a Pomodoro focus session. Once the task is marked as completed in the Pomodoro session, it will also be marked as completed in RTM. This seamless integration between the two applications enhances productivity and task management efficiency.

  • <leader>ps -- Starts a new Pomodoro, a shortcut to :PomodoroStart [pomodoro_name]. After a Pomodoro has ended, a confirmation will remind you to take a break. When the break has ended, it will prompt you if you wish to start a new Pomodoro.
  • <leader>pm -- Take a glimpse of the current date and time when the Pomodoro is running.
  • <leader>pf -- Force stop on a running Pomodoro.
  • :RTMToggle -- Toggle to show/hide the "Remember The Milk's" tasks list split window.
  • <leader>pr -- Shortcut to :RTM <RTM search task query>. Open the RTM's tasks list panel (split window) based on the passed query. Please note that there is no validation for the passed parameter, so ensure that you pass a valid RTM advanced search query.
  • :PomodoroStatus -- Display current Pomodoro status.

Also, in addition to the default notifications inside vim, Vimodoro allows you to add further external notifications, such as sounds, system-notification popups etc.


The current time is displayed in the g:airline_section_y section if Pomodoro has not activated yet, either started or break.

Current Time

Started remaining time displayed in statusline

Started Remaining Time

The RTM's split window

The RTM's Split Window

Break remaining time displayed in statusline

Break Remaining Time

Pomodoro finished, let's take a break!

Pomodoro Finished

Take another turn?

Pomodoro Restart


Integration with RTM


Add the following options to your ~/.vimrc to configure Vimodoro, if desired. No need to do so if you are satisfied with the default settings.

" Vimodoro's status refresh rate in seconds. (default: 15)
let g:pomodoro_status_refresh_duration = 1

" Duration of a pomodoro in minutes (default: 25)
let g:pomodoro_work_duration = 25

" Duration of the short break in minutes (default: 5)
let g:pomodoro_short_break = 5

" Duration of the long break in minutes (default: 15)
let g:pomodoro_long_break = 15

" Path to the pomodoro log file (default: not defined)
" Will write to log if file exists
let g:pomodoro_log_file = "/tmp/pomodoro.log"

" Path to the pomodoro debug log file (default: not defined)
" Will write to debug log if file exists
let g:pomodoro_debug_file = "/tmp/pomodoro.debug.log"

" Pomodoro inactive icon (default: "🤖")
let g:pomodoro_icon_inactive = '🤖'

" Pomodoro focus session started icon (default: "🍅")
let g:pomodoro_icon_started = "🍅"

" Pomodoro focus session ended icot (default: "🌭")
let g:pomodoro_icon_focus_ended = '🌭'

" Pomodoro break session icon (default: "🍕")
let g:pomodoro_icon_break = "🍕"

" Pomodoro break session ended icon (default: "🍏")
let g:pomodoro_icon_break_ended = '🍏'

" Pomodoro status/time updates duration in second (default: 15)
let g:pomodoro_status_refresh_duration = 15

" Time format display on statusbar (default:'%a %b %d, %H:%M:%S')
let g:pomodoro_time_format = '%a %b %d, %H:%M:%S'

" Display time for n seconds then followed by Pomodoro status being displayed again,
" or display file format for n milliseconds then back to display Pomodoro status. (default: 2)
let g:pomodoro_redisplay_status_duration = 2

Bells and Whistles

Notifications outside vim can be enabled through the option g:pomodoro_notification_cmd. For instance, to play a soundfile after each completed pomodoro or break, add something like

let g:pomodoro_notification_cmd = "mpg123 -q ~/.vim/pomodoro-notification.mp3"

to your ~/.vimrc. System-wide notifications can, for instance, be done via zenity and the option

let g:pomodoro_notification_cmd = 'zenity --notification --text="Pomodoro finished"''

You can also use g:pomodoro_work_end_notification_cmd and g:pomodoro_break_end_notification_cmd that will be executed exclusively when work is done and when a break is done. For instance, users on macOS can define the two variables like this:

let g:pomodoro_work_end_notification_cmd = "say \"Let's take a break.\";
            \afplay $ICLOUDHOME/vimodoro/CanonInD.mp3&"
let g:pomodoro_break_end_notification_cmd = "say \"Let's get back to work.\""

Please note that in the above configuration example, $ICLOUDHOME is a custom environment variable that contains the complete path to the iCloud drive.

The g:pomodoro_notification_cmd will be executed when either work or break time has ended, provided the specific notification variable is not set.


  • vim: Use your favorite plugin manager such as pathogen and vim-plug.
  • nvim: Using the lazy plugin manager.
        -- your other plugins
            dependencies = { "vim-airline/vim-airline"}
  • RTM integration:
    1. You should only run the following steps once, or whenever you have revoked the given permission from the RTM's website.
    2. Apply for an API key from here
    3. Run the auth.zsh script, located in the zsh directory, by passing the shared secret and API key that you acquired from step 2, as follows:
      . /path/to/auth.zsh <sharedSecret> <apiKey>
    4. Follow the instructions provided by the output of the script.


  • Don't start Pomodoro on an RTM's finished task!
  • Custom highlighting for RTM tasks list; strikethrough finished tasks, etc.
  • [-] The ability to toggle the display of completed tasks in RTM.
  • The ability to undo RTM completed tasks.
  • Vimodoro help file.
  • etc...


Vim plugin for the Pomodoro time management technique






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