Bring your Logitech G29 Racing Wheel into the wonderful world of Node.
- Subscribe to wheel, pedal, and shifter events.
- Activate simple force feedback effects.
- Set wheel auto-centering and range.
- Customize shift indicator LEDs.
Node version 8 or greater.
Make sure your wheel's platform mode switch is set to PS3.
This library uses node-hid behind the scenes. Depending on your OS and Node version, you may have an effortless install. If not, you may want to consult node-hid's compiling from source guide for assistance.
npm install logitech-g29
Ubuntu users will most likely want to remove the sudo
requirement of interfacing with the wheel. This can be easily accomplished by creating a file at /etc/udev/rules.d/99-hidraw-permissions.rules
with the following code. After saving the file, reboot and then you can move on to more fun tasks.
KERNEL=="hidraw*", SUBSYSTEM=="hidraw", MODE="0664", GROUP="plugdev"
Let's have some fun and make our wheel LEDs light up when we press the gas pedal.
const g = require('logitech-g29')
g.connect(function(err) {
g.on('pedals-gas', function(val) {
Vroom vroom sounds optional but encouraged. ^_^
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In addition to Patreon, here are some other ways you can help this project.
- Report any issues on GitHub.
- Share your G29 wheel creation on social media to inspire others.
MIT © Kai Nightmode