This is a registry for Julia packages being developed at WIAS.
In order to add this registry to your Julia environment, enter the package manager mode and issue
pkg> registry add
After this it will be possible to add packages registered in this registry via the usual Julia package manager commands.
This workflow is currently being developed.
Send an email to one of the admins containing the git url of the corresponding repository singnaling the advance of a new version. The Project.toml
file already should contain the new version number.
Add the LocalRegistry.jl package to your environment
pkg> add LocalRegistry
For a new package X.jl
or a new version thereof, first obtain a clone, either by checking it out via its url, or by adding it to the environment, getting into develop mode and updating it:
pkg> add X
pkg> develop X
pkg> update X # not clear if really necessary
Then, you will be able to register a new version based on the updated version number in Project.toml
julia> using X
julia> using LocalRegistry
julia> LocalRegistry.register(X,"WIASJuliaRegistry",push=true)
This assumes that the remote origin of the local clone in .julia/registries/WIASJuliaRegistry' has been modified to
[email protected]:WIAS-BERLIN/WIASJuliaRegistry. The
push=truecan be omitted, in this case,
LocalRegistry.Register` results in a commit to the local copy which you can push later.
- Pkg.jl/Managing Packages
- Pkg.jl/Registries
- LocalRegistry.jl
- HolyLabRegistry
- Julia notes of Lutz Hendricks - see Ch. 18 (with exception of 18.7.2)
- Ignore anything mentioning
. It has been replaced byLocalRegistry.jl