Choose whatever topic you want and see what twitter-sphere thinks about it right now!
It's a Node.js app, powered by Express and Pug as a template engine.
A big part of it is of course Twitter API and a Sentiment module from .
Demo is available on Glitch!
To use Twitter API you need to obtain a set of keys by registering your Twitter developer account.
You need Node.js and a package manager, I use NPM.
Clone this repo to your desktop and run npm install
in it's root directory to install all the dependencies.
Input you consumer_key, consumer_secret and access_token_key, access_token_secret.
After that run node server.js
Then you'll be able to access the app in your browser at localhost:3000
- Analyzig live feed from Twitter!
- Emoji reactions for given sentiment!
- Check any topic!
Inspired by a great overview:
Work under the standard MIT license.