goblin to report errors or strange behavior in your apps. example of config in your app.json :
"xcraft-core-log": {
"modes": ["overwatch"]
"goblin-overwatch": {
"mode": "debounce",
"channels": {
"discord": [
"${serverId}/${channelId}" // insert ids of your discord webhook
"mail": []
"agent": "genji"
To use it in your app, get API to init overwatch and enable overwatch mode for buslog.
const owAPI = quest.getAPI('overwatch');
yield owAPI.init();
List of all overwatch agents available :
- ana
- ange
- ashe
- baptiste
- bastion
- bouldozer
- brigitte
- chacal
- doomfist
- dva
- echo
- fatale
- genji
- hanzo
- lucio
- mccree
- mei
- moira
- orisa
- pharah
- faucheur
- reinhardt
- roadhog
- sigma
- soldat-76
- sombra
- symmetra
- torbjorn
- tracer
- winston
- zarya
- zenyatta