Blue Light is a browser-based medical image viewer is primarily maintained by the Imaging Informatics Labs. It is a pure single-page application (SPA), lightweight, and using only JavaScript and HTML5 technologies so as to deploy it on any HTTP server easily (just put it in HTTP server). It supports not only opening local data, but also connecting to medical image archives which support DICOMweb. It can display the various image markups and annotations such as Annotation and Image Markup (AIM), DICOM-RT structure set (RTSS), DICOM Overlay, and DICOM Presentation State. It provides tools for medical image interpretation and 3D image reconstruction, e.g., Multiplanar Rreformation or Reconstruction (MPR) and Volume Rendering (VR).
Live DEMO Online Viewer Video - Basic operation Video - Labeling tools
- Put all files into any directory in the static directory on any HTTP server.
- go to
and change the configuration of DICOM server.
- Reminder the DICOMWeb Plugin of the DICOM server shall be installed first.
- BlueLight 是少數能在網頁上顯示 3D VR、MIP 及 MPR 的開源 DICOM 瀏覽系統,它擁有平易近人的操作介面並支援 RWD 及 Web 零足跡瀏覽,可在任意大小的裝置上執行。
- 標記顯示方面支援 RTSS、Overlay、Graphic Annotation、AIM 等標記,亦可於 3D 系統中轉換成 3D 標記。
- 此專案亦支援 LabelImg 格式的標記繪製。
- 3D VR 顯示模式支援染色、窗度、透明、壓縮、貼皮、內插、降噪、打光、挖洞及最大密度投影,針對骨骼及肺氣管有專門的顯示模式,MPR 模式則支援內插、貼皮、染色以及 3D 切面的顯示。
- 通過台灣醫學資訊聯測 MI-TW 2020 - Track 4: DICOMWeb Query/Retrieve Consumer
- Load local files
- Integration with any DICOMWeb Image Archive, including Raccoon, Orthanc, and dcm4chee server
- Retrieve methods: WADO-URI (as default) and WADO-RS: specify one of them in config.json
- Integration with XNAT by plugin xnat.js. BlueLight will query the XNAT's API to get the XML and retrieve the DICOM stored in experiments and its scans. Currently we doesn't build it as an XNAT plugin. issue: XNAT Connection
- Step1: copy BlueLight to XNAT deployment folder
- Step2: type URL: https://{XNAT's hostname}/bluelight/search/html/start.html?experiments={XNAT expID}&scans={scanID}&format=json
- Most general image IODs (CR, DX, CT, MR, US, etc)
- Pan, zoom, move
- Scroll images within a series
- Rotation, Flip, Invert
- Windowing
- Cine
- viewports: 4×4
- Cross-Studies synchronization
- Magnifier, etc
- Line and angle measurement
- hide/display markups and annotations
- Export image
- GSPS: DICOM Graphic Annotation
- DICOM Overlay
- DICOM-RT structure set (RTSS)
- Annotation and Image Markup (AIM)
- DICOM SEG (Segementation)
- LabelImg
- Provide the function to convert the DICOM Overalys to a DICOM SEG object.
- Some advanced features are separated from the native parts of Bluelight to facilitate better performance. All supported functions are placed in folder
. Using the config enable the selected plugins. If disableCatch is set as false, the plugin is enabled.
"plugin": [
/* path: the location of plugin
* name: the name of plugin
* disableCatch: enable the plugin or not.
* examples show as follows:
* /
{"path":"../scripts/plugin/oauth.js", "name": "oauth", "disableCatch": "true"},
{"path":"../scripts/plugin/mpr.js", "name": "MPR", "disableCatch": "true"},
- We welcome any idea of adding new plugins from any third party, such as:
- Create the customized annotations encoded as a xml - see xml_format.js
- OAuth2 - see oauth.js. If OAuth2 is enabled, and then modify the config.
- Note: we used Keycloak to test the function of OAuth2.
"enabled": false,
"hostname": "",
"port": "8080",
"http": "http",
"client_id": "account",
"endpoints": {
"auth": "realms/TestRealm/protocol/openid-connect/auth",
"validation": "realms/TestRealm/protocol/openid-connect/userinfo",
"token": "realms/TestRealm/protocol/openid-connect/token"
"tokenInRequest": true
- MPR (Multiplanar Reconstruction) - see mpr.js
- MIP (maximum intensity projection) - implemented in MPR
- 3D Volume Rendering - see vr.js
- LabelImg
- GSPS: DICOM Graphic Annotation - see graphic_annotation.js
- DICOM-RT structure set (RTSS) - see rtss.js
- DICOM SEG (Segementation) - see seg.js
- Download as DCMTK DICOM-XML: only launch BlueLight
- Download as DIOCM SEG: It is integrated with Please put the BlightLight on Raccoon.
- BlueLight Viewer uses several oepn source libraries as folowing:
- interact for drag and drop objects.
- cornerstone for reading, parsing DICOM-formatted data.
- dicomParser for parsing DICOM tags.
- cornerstoneWADOImageLoader for communicating with the DICOMWeb servers such as Orthanc and Dcm4chee
- lodash for decoding the multipart/related objects in WADO-RS response.
- FHIR ImagingStudy Query/Retrieve Interface
- Support the IHE Invoke Image Display (IID) Profile [RAD-106]
- Display DICOM Structured Report
- Display DICOM Waveform - 12 Lead ECG Waveform
- BlueLight-WSI: 🚧 please visit the project mainecoon
- BlueLight@Orthanc: ㊙️
- BlueLight@XANT: ✅
- [email protected]: ✅ - is a noSQL-based medical image repository.
To acknowledge the BlueLight in an academic publication, please cite
Chen, TT., Sun, YC., Chu, WC. et al. BlueLight: An Open Source DICOM Viewer Using Low-Cost Computation Algorithm Implemented with JavaScript Using Advanced Medical Imaging Visualization. J Digit Imaging (2022).
This project was supported by a grant from the Ministry of Science and Technology Taiwan.
We acknowledge AI99 teams at Taipei Veterans General Hospital (TVGH) for validation and provides many useful suggestions in many aspects of the clinical domain, especially to thank Dr. Ying-Chou Sun and his professional team.
Thanks 琦雯 Queenie, Queenie's github for contributing the logo design.