This repository contains my implementations of three labs from course Artificial Intelligence.
- Alpha-Beta Pruning in the context of a strategy board game
- In this project, I wrote a program to determine the next optimal move in a strategy board game (Reversi). The rule of the Reversi game can be found at and interactive examples can be found at . The algorithm used in the project is the Alpha-Beta algorithm, which can be considered as an improved version of the Minimax Search algorithm. Detail descriptions can be found in hw1.pdf .
- Logical inference to solve an SAT-problem
- This project solves a Boolean satisfiability problem (SAT). SAT problem determines if there exists an interpretation that satisfies a given Boolean formula, and they are considered as NP-complete. I implement two logical inference algorithm - that is PLResolution & DPLL to determine whether there is a solution to the given problem. Also I use a local search algorithm WalkSAT to find a solution.
- Probabilistic reasoning in a Decision Network