Added keymap support to quickly execute selected node (Key: 'E')
Added new "Curve" category & socket to handle objects with curve data
Added method for modifying node parameter externally (automatically re-evaluates nodetree)
Added "Import SVG" & "Text" curve input nodes
Added "Convert to Mesh" & "Convert to Curve" nodes
Added "Create Object" input node
Added "QuadriFlow Remesh" object operator node
Added "Warp" & "Randomize Vertices" transform nodes
Added Weld, Lattice, Shrinkwrap & Weighted Normal modifier nodes
Added "Proportional Editing" & "Snap" settings node
Added "Clear Parent", "Get Parent", & "Get Children" object operator nodes
Improved "Scatter" node to support instanced scattering
Improved "Maths Operation" node to include more operations & better menu layout
Improved "Parent" node to include option to set the inverse parent correction
Improved "Skin Modifier" node to allow skin resize for selected vertices
Renamed transform nodes to "World/Local Transform"
Fixed issue with Crease, Edge-Slide, Skin-Resize local transform
Fixed custom object/curve nodes to hide original object
Fixed issue with rerouting socket connections
Fixed transform nodes to use snapping & proportional editing settings
Fixed object deletion helper method to remove orphaned data
Fixed "Select Nth" node parameter minimum value
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