fms is an API for a flight management system.
- Search for flights
- Book flights
- Cancel flight bookings
Check that python 3.7 is installed:
python --version >> Python 3.7
Install pipenv:
brew install pipenv
Check pipenv is installed:
pipenv --version >> pipenv, version 2018.11.26
Check that postgres is installed:
postgres --version >> postgres (PostgreSQL) 10.1
Clone the repo and cd into it:
git clone [email protected]:abadojack/fms.git
Install dependencies:
pipenv install
Make a copy of the .env.sample file and rename it to .env and update the variables accordingly:
FLASK_ENV = "development" # development, production, testing
Activate a virtual environment:
pipenv shell
Run the application with either commands:
python runserver
flask run
Deactivate the virtual environment once you're done: