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Airflow orchestrated ETL (running in docker containers) that pulls batch data from an API to a local Postgres database, loads to AWS S3/Redshift provisioned by Terraform, and visualized in Quicksight.

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Cryptocurrency Data Pipeline with Docker Compose, PostgreSQL, Airflow, Terraform, AWS S3, AWS Redshift, and AWS Quicksight.


The goal of this project is to create an orchestrated ETL pipeline moving Open, High, Low, Close, and Volume (ohlcv) data to cloud storage for analytics/business intelligence. This is done by using a local Airflow instance running in a docker-compose environment to orchestrate dags written in Python. These dags save data every 5 minutes to a local Postgres database, load csv files to S3 once a day, and then copies the csv file data into Redshift tables. Lastly the data is visualized in an AWS quicksight dashboard.

Technologies being used:

  • Cloud: AWS
  • Containerization: Docker
  • Infrastructure: Terraform
  • Orchestration: Airflow
  • Data lake: S3
  • Data warehouse: Redshift
  • Data visualization: Quicksight
  • Local Database: PostgreSQL
  • API: CoinAPI

How the Pipeline Works

Pipeline Flowchart

Crypto Data Pipeline

  1. Run docker-compose up.
  2. The Airflow services and Postgres are ran in Docker containers.
  3. Every 5 minutes the dag crypto_prices_dag reaches out to CoinAPI and extracts ohlcv data for bitcoin, ethereum, and ripple cryptocurrencies being traded on the Bitstamp exchange.
    • First 3 separate PostgresOperator create table tasks ensure that a table is created for each of the three coins data is being pulled for.
    • Next 3 PythonOperator tasks run extrating ohlcv data from the api, transforms the data by modifying the datatypes of several columns and adding an additional column, and lastly using a PostgresHook and a sqlalchemy engine to load the data into the local Postgres database.
      • A connection to the Postgres database was defined on the Airflow web ui that the PostgresHook uses to connect to the database.
  4. @Daily the dag crypto_prices_load_to_s3_redshift is run which uses a PythonOperator to call a function which connects to the Postgres database using a PostgresHook and a sqlalchemy engine, save the data which matches the current execution date, save the data as a csv file, and upload these csv files to S3 using an S3Hook.
    • A connection to the S3 bucket created by Terraform was defined in the Airflow web ui by defining the AWS credentials as well as the region to use.
  5. A RedshiftDataOperator is used to create each table if they do not exist.
    • A connection to the Redshift cluster created by Terraform was defined in the Airflow web ui by defining the host, database, user, password, and port to connect to.
  6. Lastly, the S3ToRedshiftOperator is used to COPY the csv file information from S3 into Redshift using both S3 and Redshift connections.

crypto_prices_dag orchestrated every 5 minutes to load data into Postgres. Dag orchestrated every 5 minutes to load data into Postgres

crypto_prices_load_to_s3_redshift dag orchestrated once daily to load data from Postgres to S3 and Redshift Dag orchestrated once daily to load data from Postgres to S3 and Redshift

AWS Cloud Infrastructure

All of the cloud infrastructure was defined using Terraform.

  1. Configure the AWS CLI using aws --configure in the command line.
  2. Create the terraform infrastructure in the file.
    • terraform init to initialize the terraform configuration files in the working directory.
    • terraform plan to plan the infrastructure defined in the main file. Here you can preview the infrastructue that will be built/modified.
    • terraform apply and type yes to apply the infrastructure plan.
  3. The infrastructure has been created and can be viewed on the AWS console home.
    • In my case this is an S3 bucket, a Redshift cluster, an IAM role with policies tthat allow Redshift to copy from S3, a default vpc, security group, and a vpc enpoint which allows us to establish the connection created in the Airflow web ui.
    • A was created to save the credentials used to create the infrastructure, but was ignored in the .gitignore file.

AWS Quicksight Dashboard example:

AWS Redshift Query examples:

  1. All raw data from the bitcoin prices table:

  1. Highest volume trading period:

  1. Max and Min prices through whole data collection period:


Airflow orchestrated ETL (running in docker containers) that pulls batch data from an API to a local Postgres database, loads to AWS S3/Redshift provisioned by Terraform, and visualized in Quicksight.







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