Computercraft, turtle building a cactus farm
- Vertical passive cactus farm 3x3
- Turtle gradually builds the farm stage by stage, as and when it is provided with the necessary resources.
- When sky limit is reached, program files is renamed as TooHig_filename.lua to prevent unnecessary maneuvers.
CC:Tweaked 1.83.1 ( )
Pastebin :
pastebin get 2SPDSxPt build.lua
Based on a 3x3 tower for passive farming. When cactus grow up items will pop and fall on the floor. Build a pool below with water streams to harvest products.
Place your turtle on the floor (Full of fuel as far as possible), facing the center of cactus tower farm, at 3 blocks of distance. Build the first stage of the cactus farm tower. Then run the program, provide any materials.
For one stage, at least :
- 4 cactus,
- 4 sand,
- 4 cobblestone
- 2 fences
- 1 torch
On inventory events, the number of stages the turtle can build is updated. Presse Enter to start building. Then turtle will walk to the center and go up to the next stage to build and start to work. When job is done, the turtle will return to start position.
If you choose other start position, edit theses parts :
function ascent()
output("Ascent phase")
--take place in the center
output("Align to center")
for i=1,3 do -- <--EDIT
function descent()
local move = turtle.down()
until not move
for i=1,3 do -- <--EDIT
Feel free