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Nomansland Date input

Gytha Ogg edited this page Feb 24, 2025 · 1 revision

Date Formats

Nomansland date fields can accept a variety of date formats in string and compute and save a range of dates based on the input.

When entering a string date, a hint is shown to the user so they know what date value is interpreted from the input. image

ISO Dates

Format Input From To
Year-Month-Date 1904-11-25 Nov. 25, 1904 Nov. 25, 1904
Year-Month 1904-11 Nov. 1, 1904 Nov. 30, 1904
Year 1904 Jan. 1, 1904 Dec. 31, 1904
Century 11c Jan. 1, 1000 Dec. 31, 1099

Hijri Dates (in AH and BH)

Format Input From To
Hijri date 700-01-02 AH Sept. 17, 1300 Sept. 17, 1300
Hijri year-month 700-01 AH Sept. 16, 1300 Oct. 14, 1300
Hijri year 300 BH July 6, 0330 June 24, 0331
Hijri century 8c AH Sept. 16, 1300 Sept. 23, 1397

Before, After, Not Before, Not After (Available for all above date formats)

Condition Input From To
before before 2000 None Dec. 31, 1999
not before not before 2000 Jan. 1, 2000 None
after after 2000 Jan. 1, 2001 None
not after not after 2000 None Dec. 31, 2000

Date Ranges (date1 - date2)

Description Input From To
date range 300 AH - 18c Aug. 18, 0912 Dec. 31, 1799
date range 11c - 1980-11-20 Jan. 1, 1000 Nov. 20, 1980
date range 12c - 15c Jan. 1, 1100 Dec. 31, 1499


These input formats are already supported. Date interval will be automatically updated when the feature is deployed.

BCE Dates

Format Input
Century BC 8c BC
Year BC 300 BC
Year-Month BC 900-01 BC
Year-Month-Date BC 858-03-04 BC

Circa, Flourish, etc. (to be implemented, data can be input in this format)

Description Input From To
c. century (c. makes no difference) c. 11c Jan. 1, 1000 Dec. 31, 1099
c. year, month, date (± 10 years) c. 1987 Jan. 1, 1977 Dec. 31, 1997
fl. century (fl. makes no difference) fl. 11c Jan. 1, 1000 Dec. 31, 1099
fl. year, month, date (± 10 years) fl. 1987 Jan. 1, 1967 Dec. 31, 2007