Releases: acdh-oeaw/arche-lib-ingest
Releases · acdh-oeaw/arche-lib-ingest
Allow PHP ^8.1
4.0.2 composer.json: allow php ^8.1
Allow PHP 8.2
3.7.1 composer.json: allow PHP 8.2
Ported from EasyRdf to RdfInterface
4.0.0 .github/workflows/test.yml: fix coveralls upload
FileId class created
The file path to repository resource id translation code extracted as a separate class (acdhOeaw\arche\lib\ingest\util\FileId
) allowing easy reuse in different libraries.
- Fixed network connection recognition in
: waiting before reingestion attempt on network errors tuned
MetadataCollection and Indexer retry on network errors
Until now any network error just interrupted the ingestion. Now network errors are treated in (almost) the same way as conflict - a retry up to a given limit per resource is being made.
Redmine class added
3.5.0 Redmine::updateIssue(): return the id of the actually updated redmine…