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Releases: acdh-oeaw/arche-lib-ingest

Indexer: report new version resource URI

19 Feb 09:49
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File::versioningAsync(): report newly created version URI

Closes #10

Indexer's automatice versioning rework

12 Feb 14:28
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Previously the metadata handling on an automatic new version creation was hardcoded (and configurable only with a bool $pidPass parameter). Now the Indexer::setVersioning(), File::upload() and File::uploadAsync() take two callables with signatures

`function (
    rdfInterface\DatasetNodeInterface $oldMeta,
    acdhOeaw\arche\lib\Schema $repoSchema
): array{rdfInterface\DatasetNodeInterface $oldMeta, rdfInterface\DatasetNodeInterface $newMeta}


function (
    acdhOeaw\arche\lib\RepoResource $old,
    acdhOeaw\arche\lib\RepoResource $new
): void

The first one should generate old and new version metadata according to a given repository's business logic.
The second one is responsible for doing any metadata adjustments which require both old and new version resource to exist (e.g. updating references which pointed to the old version to point to the new one).

A sample implementation of such a handler can be found in the tests/IndexerTest.php::testNewVersionCreation()

Reduce concurrency on reattempts

18 Jan 20:12
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Indexer::index(), MetadataCollection::index(): reduce conncurrency on…

Redmine class restored

03 Dec 13:26
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For unknown reasons the acdhOeaw\arche\lib\ingest\Redmine class was silently removed in 4.0. Now it's back


13 Nov 15:59
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SkosVocabulary::preprocess(): do not add self-pointing parent link to the schema resource

arche-lib bumped to ^7

02 Oct 18:57
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composer.json: arche-lib bumped to ^7

PHP 8.4 deprecation fixes

26 Sep 10:47
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.github/workflows/test.yml: add phpstan

File::updateAsync(): avoid unnecessary metadata update

25 Sep 22:29
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Various minor fixes

20 Sep 10:11
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  • MetadataCollection: terminate ingestion on terminal errors even in error mode pass
  • File: handle versioning when a repository resource exists but lacks binary (update it with the binary without new version creation then)
  • CI tuning

Retry if "deadlock detected" reported on a server side

30 Aug 19:05
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MetadataCollection::import(): retry on "deadlock detected" on the ser…