Releases: acdh-oeaw/php-epic-handle
Releases · acdh-oeaw/php-epic-handle
Better PID creation failure handling
If a PID creation fails, a acdhOeaw\epicHandle\HandleException
is thrown instead of a cryptic undefined array offset access error.
Bumped to Guzzle 7 and PHP 8
1.0.0 Guzzle bumped to 7, PHP bumped to 8
Minor improvements
Make the "Wrong PID" error more verbose
Stub mode added
Calling new HandleService('http://test')
creates the handle service with a mocked HTTP client suitable for use in tests.
Bad redirection URL registration fixed
0.1.2 Typo causing registration of bad redirection URLs fixed
composer.json fixed
0.1.1 composer.json fixed
Initial release
0.1.0 First version