This package is a developer-friendly way to access the public RPCs as presented on The RPC endpoint list is maintained by the DefiLlama team at DefiLlama/chainlist. Keep in mind that these RPC urls are public and do not come with any uptime or performance guarantees.
npm install -S chainlist-rpcs
Note that the RPC list is updated once a day automatically, and that every RPC list bump results in a patch
semver update of this package. You can see the npm deployment history here.
The module exports constants that are objects you can access. The rpcs
and chains_by_id
constants which equal the chainlist sources in this folder of their repository. The chains_by_name
constant is an object that maps chain names to their id.
import { rpcs, chains_by_id, chains_by_name } from 'chainlist-rpcs'
// You can access chain names by their chain id. Chain id 1 is Ethereum mainnet.
console.log( chains[1] ) // Output: "ethereum". Note that this is by chain id and not by index. 1 here refers to chain id 1.
// You can access the RPCs for a chain by its chain id.
console.log( rpcs[1] ) // [ { url: String, tracking: String, trackingDetails: String } ].
// You can access the chain id by its name.
console.log( chains_by_name["ethereum"] ) // Output: 1
This module makes available helpers that allow you to grab RPCs based on chain id or chain name.
* Retrieves the RPC urls for a specified blockchain.
* @param {Object} params - The parameters for retrieving RPCs.
* @param {number} [params.chain_id] - The ID of the blockchain.
* @param {string} [params.chain_name] - The name of the blockchain.
* @param {Array} [params.allowed_tracking=[]] - An array of tracking objects. Options: none, limited, yes.
* @returns {Array} The list of RPCs for the specified blockchain.
* @throws {Error} If both chain_id and chain_name are specified but do not match.
export function get_rpcs_for_chain( { chain_id, chain_name, allowed_tracking=[] } )
* Retrieves the RPC urls for the specified chains.
* @param {Object} params - The parameters object.
* @param {Array<string>} [params.chain_ids=[]] - An array of chain IDs.
* @param {Array<string>} [params.chain_names=[]] - An array of chain names.
* @param {Array} [params.allowed_tracking=[]] - An array of tracking objects. Options: none, limited, yes.
* @returns {Array} An array of RPCs for the specified chains.
export function get_rpcs_for_chains( { chain_ids=[], chain_names=[], allowed_tracking=[] } )
Example usage:
import { get_rpcs_for_chains, get_rpcs_for_chains } from 'chainlist-rpcs'
const single_chain_by_id = get_rpcs_for_chains( { chain_id: 1 } ) // Output: [ { url: String, tracking: String, trackingDetails: String } ]
const single_chain_by_name = get_rpcs_for_chains( { chain_name: "ethereum" } ) // Output: [ { url: String, tracking: String, trackingDetails: String } ]
const multiple_chains_by_id = get_rpcs_for_chains( { chain_ids: [1, 42161] } ) // Output: { 1: [ { url: String, tracking: String, trackingDetails: String } ], 42161: [ { url: String, tracking: String, trackingDetails: String } ], ethereum: [ { url: String, tracking: String, trackingDetails: String } ], arbitrum: [ { url: String, tracking: String, trackingDetails: String } ] }
const multiple_chains_by_name = get_rpcs_for_chains( { chain_names: ["ethereum", "arbitrum"] } ) // Output: { 1: [ { url: String, tracking: String, trackingDetails: String } ], 42161: [ { url: String, tracking: String, trackingDetails: String } ], ethereum: [ { url: String, tracking: String, trackingDetails: String } ], arbitrum: [ { url: String, tracking: String, trackingDetails: String } ] }
import { get_rpcs_for_chains, get_rpcs_for_chains } from 'chainlist-rpcs'
import { arbitrum } from 'viem/chains'
import { createPublicClient, fallback, http, formatEther } from 'viem'
const your_private_rpc_endpoints = [ "", "" ]
const chainlist_rpc_endpoints = get_rpcs_for_chains( { chain_name: 'arbitrum' } )
const rpc_endpoints = [ ...your_private_rpc_endpoints, ...chainlist_rpc_endpoints ]
const public_client = createPublicClient( {
chain: arbitrum,
transport: fallback( ( rpc ) => http( rpc ) ) )
} )
const gas_price_wei = await public_client.getGasPrice()