Username: [email protected] Password: qwerty
The objective of this group project was to replicate a Rotten Tomatoes movie site. When a user first visits the site, a list of movies currently in theaters/ displays with an average rating displaying beside the movie card. A user can login and enter their credentials and then is redirected to the home page, which will now additionally render if that user has rated the movie.
Testing with jest and enzyme
Fetch Api
JavaScript ES6
React Router
The home page displays all the fetched movies and their average ratings. If the user logs in, the home page will display the all the movies, their average ratings and a user rating if the user has rated the movie.
When a movie poster is clicked the user will be taken to the Movie page which will display the movie poster, a brief description of the movie and the average rating. If the user is logged in the Movie page will also display the user rating (if the movie has been rated) or it will prompt the user to rate the movie. If the movie has already been rated there is the option to delete the rating.
The live version of this app can be seen here