The project goal is to provide simple SSO in node.js.
get nodeSSO:
npm install nodeSSO
git clone
go to /example
npm install express
,npm install everyauth
start the app
node server.js
direct your browser to localhost:3001
Using nodeSSO comes very easy to use with everyauth and express.
Create a sso juggler
var SsoJuggler = require('nodeSSO'); var ssoJuggler = new SsoJuggler({ authenticationPath: '/auth/openid?openid_identifier=' });
use everyauth
var everyauth = require('everyauth'); everyauth .openid .myHostname('http://localhost:3001') .findOrCreateUser( function (session, userMetadata) { // Don't forget to save the userIdentifier! ssoJuggler.saveUserIdentifier(session,; return userMetadata; }) .redirectPath(successPath);
use express
var express = require('express'); var app = express.createServer( express.bodyParser() , express.static(__dirname + "/public") , express.cookieParser() , express.session({ secret: 'htuayreve' }) , everyauth.middleware() ); everyauth.helpExpress(app);
add routes
and run the service
now you can authenticate calling: "http://localhost:3001/auth?callbackUrl=" and deauthenticat calling: "http://localhost:3001/deauth?callbackUrl="
after a successfull authentication you will receive the userIdentifier with the parameter userIdentifier