Variables declared using var, constants using let
var num: Int = 10
let pi: Float = 3.14159
let name: String = "Aem"
var isRight: Bool = true
or using swift's type-inference
var num = 10
let name = "Aem"
var isTrue = !false //infix or unary operator, true
var isAppleMoreThanMango = "Apple" > "Mango" //false, compares alphabet
Represent the value or the absence of a value which is nil. We can not know if the optional has a value or not until it's unwrapped. Type-inference doesn't work with optionals.
Ways to unwrap optionals
1- Force Unwrap The easiest way to unwrap optionals.
var catName: String?
catName = "Zoe"
var unwrappedCatName = catName!
But if the optional has no value it will crash. Use force unwrap only when it's certain it has value.
2- Optional binding Similar to an if-else-statement
if let catName = catName {
} else {
print("Cat has no name")
In optional binding, we can add more than one optional like && operation.
var otherPetName: String? = nil
if let catName = catName,
let otherPetName = otherPetName {
print(catName, otherPetName)
} else {
print("Cat has no name, other pet has no name either.")
output: Cat has no name, other pets have no name either.
3- Guard Statement Guard is used to guard against something really bad that should rarely happen.
func print(PetName otherName: String?) {
guard let otherName = otherPetName else {
print("No other name")
print(PetName: otherPetName)
output: no otherName
4- Nil Coalescing Sets a default value for the optional in case it's nil.
var num: Int? = 10
var defaultNum = num ?? 0
5- Optional Chaining When we have optional structs, or classes we use optional chaining to access class or struct properties and methods in a safe way.
struct Car {
var color = "Red"
func move() {
print(color, "car drives forward.")
var myCar: Car? = Car()
output: Red car drives forward.
if the struct or class instance is nil, it won't continue down the chain.
Wrap more that one small related pieces of the same-type or different-type data together.
let coordinates: (Int, Int) = (2,3)
let namedCoordinatesTuple: (Int, Int) = (x: 2, y:3)
let coordinates3D: (Int, Int, Int) = (x:2, y:3, z: 1)
let firstOperandWithOperation: (Int, String) = (5, "+")
or using swift's type-inference
let coordinates = (2,3)
Ordered list of values of the same data-type with indexes assigned to each element starting at 0
Arrays are Objects so they have both data and functions.
let array: [Int] = [1,2,3,4,5]
let arrayx10: Array<Int> = [10,20,30,40,50]
or using type-inference
var strArray = ["val1", "val2", "val3"]
var anotherStrArray = ["key1", "key2", "key3"]
- Using Array Methods
- Append
- Append ContentsOf Another Array
strArray.append(contentsOf: anotherStrArray)
orstrArray += anotherStrArray
- Remove At index
strArray.remove(at: 0)
- RemoveFirst: Removes first element and returns removed element
let str = strArray.removeFirst()
- RemoveLast: Removes last element and returns removed element
let str = strArray.removeLast()
- RemoveAll
- isEmpty
- Count
- First: returns first element of array if exists (returns optional)
- Last: returns last element of array if exists (returns optional)
- Min: returns minimum element of array if exists (returns optional)
- Max: returns maximum element of array if exists (returns optional)
- Contains: check if array contains an element, returns bool
- Insert: inserts new element value at specified index
strArray.insert("val8", at: 0)
- Insert Contents of: insert contents of another collection at a specified index
strArray.insert(contentsOf: anotherStrArray, at: 0)
- Swap at: exchanges the values of 2 elements at specific indexes
strArray.swapAt(1, 2)
- Enumerated: Returns a sequence of pairs (n, x), where n represents index and x represents value.
- Subscripting: getting the element at a specific index, if the element doesn't exist the app will crash.
let element = array[3]
- Array Slicing: stores a ref to a part of the array
let arraySlice = strArray[1...3]
- FirstIndex: returns the index of the first element in an array that fulfills a specified condition. If no element satisfies the condition, it returns nil.
arrayName.firstIndex{ condition }
- Append
- While loop: as long as the condition is true, the code executes
var i = 110
while i > 99 {
print("Above 100")
i -= 1
loop can also be broken out of by using break.
while i > 99 {
print("Above 100")
i -= 1
if i == 105 {
- Repeat while: makes sure the code is executed at least once before checking the condition
repeat {
print("Above 90")
i -= 1
} while i > 90
- For Loop: runs a specified number of times with an increasing countable range Example using a closed range
for i in 0...9 {
Example using half-open range
for i in 0..<5 {
Example when value of i is not needed
for _ in 0...10 {
Example using where to add condition on a loop
for i in 1...100 where i%2 == 0 {
print(i, "is odd")
Example using Loop Labeled Statement, Nested Loops, and continue Continue keyword stops current iteration and continues
floors: for floor in 12...14 {
rooms: for room in 11...16 {
if room == 13 {
continue floors
print("Available room", room, "in floor", floor)
output: Available room 11 in floor 12 Available room 12 in floor 12 Available room 11 in floor 13 Available room 12 in floor 13 Available room 11 in floor 14 Available room 12 in floor 14
Example using break Break stops the loop entirely, breaks out of it
floors: for floor in 12...14 {
rooms: for room in 11...16 {
if room == 13 {
break floors
print("Available room", room, "in floor", floor)
output: Available room 11 in floor 12 Available room 12 in floor 12
Dictionaries are unordered collection of (key, value) pairs, of the same data type. Keys must be unique, but values can be redundant. Used when we need to store and retrieve values based on a value of an identifier.
var dictionary: [String: Int] = [:]
dictionary = ["1": 1, "2": 2, "3": 3]
or using type-inference
var dictionary = ["1": 1, "2": 2, "3": 3]
updating value of key
dictionary["1"] = 10 // changes if key exists
dictionary["4"] = 4 // adds new if key doesn't exist
dictionary.updateValue(1, forKey: "1")
removing value
dictionary.removeValue(forKey: "3")
dictionary["2"] = nil
Unordered sequence of unique elements of the same data type, ensures no duplication.
var set: Set<Int> = [1,2,3,4]
var anotherSet: Set<Int> = [5,6,4,3,8,9]
- Using set methods
- Insert: inserts element with no index needed, as it's an unordered list.
- Contains: checks if the set contains an element and returns a bool.
- Remove: removes element if exists, and returns either the removed element or nil if element does not exist.
- Intersection: returns a set of only the elements that exist in both sets
let intersectionSet = set.intersection(anotherSet)
- Form intersection: like intersection but mutates the set it's called on in place.
- SymmetricDifference: returns elements that do not exists in either set, opposite of intersection.
let diffSet = set.symmetricDifference(anotherSet)
- Form Symmetric Difference: like symmetric difference but mutates the set it's called on in place
- Union: returns a set containing elements of both sets
let unionSet = set.union(anotherSet)
- Form Union: like union but mutates the set it's called on in place.
- Insert: inserts element with no index needed, as it's an unordered list.
Named types are types that must have a name when declared, i.e., structs, classes, enums, protocols, and also ints, strings, and arrays, etc. Compound types on the other hand are defined by a type-signature, they are defined by the type they contain, i.e., tuples are compound types they can be (Int, Int) or (Int, bool), etc. Functions, like tuples, are Compound types, their type is distinguished by a type-signature instead of a name.
Types can also be ascribed in another important way:
- Value types: hold value, i.e., structs, tuples
- Reference types: hold only reference to value, i.e., classes, functions.
Overloading is unique to functions, it's creating the functions with the same name but they must be different in either their param list in both param number or param types, or return type, or different argument labels. NOTE: Difference in param names is not considered overloading.
Overloaded functions must be related, it's also advisable to avoid overloads that differ only in return types.
stride(from: 3, through: 0, by: -1)
output: 3,2,1,0
stride(from: 3, to: 0, by: -1)
output: 3,2,1
Stride in overloaded using different argument labels
Strides are a good example of sequances that is not a collection. Strides also do not conform to the Equatable
meaning you can't compare them to each other.
When the number of values passed in for the params varies. It's treated as an array, but we can not pass an array.
func getHighGrade(for grades: Int...) {
getHighGrade(for: 80, 90, 0, 10, 50)
output: 90
Normally, when passing a value into a func, it creates a copy of it and that copy is essentially a let constant and immutable in func body, which is the behavior wanted naturally. However, sometimes a func is needed to change a param directly, i.e., copy-in, copy-out.
Essentially, passing by reference.
var count = 10
func printVal(_ val: inout Int) {
val += 1
print("Count", count)
output: Count 11
Anonymous function, or a function with no name. Closures also do not have argument label, or default params value
var addClosure: (Int, Int) -> Int = { (a: Int, b: Int) in
return a + b
or using type inference
var addClosure = { (a: Int, b: Int) in
return a + b
and since it's only one statement in the closure body we can remove the return keyword
var addClosure = { (a: Int, b: Int) in
a + b
also we can use short closure syntax, as $0 refers to the first param and $1 refers to param #2 aka shorthand argument names
var addClosure: (Int, Int) -> Int = { $0 + $1 }
a void closure is a closure that takes no param and returns nothing
let voidClosure: () -> Void = {
print("Swift's void closure")
Structs are value types commonly described as blueprints. i.e. Int, Bool, Array, Double, Dictionary, String types are all structs. Structs have both properties and methods.
struct Wizard {
var fName: String
var lName: String
var fullName: String {
return fName + " " + lName
we have not actually created a wizard; we've just defined a common way to do so, hinting at a blueprint
var newWiz = Wizard(fName: "Harry", lName: "Potter")
output: Harry Potter structs also automatically generate an initializer known as memberwise initializer
var wizardFromAnotherHouse = newWiz
create a copy, or an entirely new struct with the same values of the original one.
wizardFromAnotherHouse.fName = "Helena"
output: Helena Potter Harry Potter
values are different as structs are value-types
struct Wizard {
var fName: String
var lName: String
var house: String = ""
var fullName: String {
return fName + " " + lName
mutating func changeWizardHouseTo(_ newHouse: String) {
house = newHouse
the mutating keyword tells the compiler to create a brand new copy of the struct, since we are changing a variable value inside the struct, we have to mark the function as mutating. mutating a struct actually create a new one based upon existing values
Structs are infertile they cannot inherit or be subclassed. Inheritance is only reserved for classes.
Classes are reference types meaning classes objects reference the same value. As classes objects are stored in the heap, they only carry a reference to that value in the stack, which implies that when we change one of them, all references pointing to that object have the same value.
class A {
var name: String
var age: Int
init(name: String, age: Int) { = name
self.age = age
classes do not offer an init by default and if they have stored properties that do not have initial values, they must have an init that initializes these values on object instantiation.
let detJake = A(name: "Jake", age: 30)
let detRosa = detJake = "Rosa"
output: Rosa both objects have the same value as they are merely a reference to the same object when we declare
let detRosa = detJake
we only create a new reference to the same thing. also notice we can change a let object's var stored properties, even when we declared it as a constant, as again it's only a reference. If we want any value to not be changed we have to declare it as a constant in the class declaration itself.
A convenience initializer makes it more convenient to init a class, by offering some default values and delegating the rest of the work to the designated init.
class A {
var name: String
var age: Int
init(name: String, age: Int) { = name
self.age = age
convenience init(name: String) {
self.init(name: name, age: 30)
This makes it possible to init a class using only the name property.
aka subclassing. In swift, a class can only inherit from one superclass. But a subclass can have many subclasses. if a class doesn't inherit from any class it's called base class. Polymorphism: A subclass can be treated as its own type or any of its super classes. In inheritance, we can override a stored property, but we cannot override a computed property.
class B: A {
func printNameAndAge() {
print(, super.age)
if the subclass doesn't define it's own init, it automatically inherits all of its superclass's designated as well as convenience inits. if we init an object using B class, we have both options for init, with name and age, and only with age (from the convenience init).
class B: A {
override init(name: String, age: Int) {
super.init(name: name, age: age)
if the subclass overrides the suber class init, it still inherits the convenience init of the superclass.
class B: A {
var gender: Character
init(gender: Character) {
self.gender = gender
super.init(name: "Aem", age: 30)
if the subclass chooses to define it's own init, it losses the inherited, both designated and convenience.
if we need the convenience init or even the designated init to be implemented in the subclasses regardless of whether they implement their own init or not, we can enforce that by using the required keyword.
class A {
var name: String
var age: Int
init(name: String, age: Int) { = name
self.age = age
required convenience init(name: String) {
self.init(name: name, age: 30)
class B: A {
var gender: Character
init(gender: Character, name: String = "") {
self.gender = gender
super.init(name: name, age: 30)
required convenience init(name: String) {
self.init(gender: "f", name: name)
func printNameAndAge() {
print(, super.age)
let detAmy = B(name: "Amy")
By calling the required convenience init, it then calls the self.init with the name, which calls the super init
Class | Struct |
Reference type | Value type |
Mutable even if declared constant | immutable if declared constant |
Stored in heap | Stored in stack |
Has inheritance, works with objc | Thread safe, less memory leaks |
The official apple advice is that we start with a struct when defining a new custom object, and only convert it to class when needed, i.e. it needs inheritance or needs to work with objc.