- Clone the repo
- Make new virtualenv and activate it
- cd cc
- pip install -r requirement.txt
- cp cc/local_settings.py.sample cc/local_settings.py
- Change the settings to match configuration in the local environment
- python manage.py syncdb
- python manage.py migrate
- Start redis server: redis-server &
- Start celeryd for converting files: python manage.py celeryd
- Start django dev server in a different terminal: python manage.py runserver_plus
- Or use vagrant.
- install vagrant and virtualbox
- vagrant box add debain-wheezy https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/197673519/debian-7.2.0.box
- edit the Vagrante file IP to meet your needs
- edit bootstrap.sh, set your /vagrant to your workign dir.
- vagrant up
- vagrant ssh
- mkvirtualenv cc-app --no-site-packages --distribute
- workon cc-app
- Python 2.7+
- PostgreSQL 9.0+
- Redis 2.4+
- lesscss
- pdf2json
- mupdf 1.3+ (dependancies in Ubuntu / Debian): libxtst-dev libx11-dev pkg-config
- flexpaper
Tips: in OSX use homebrew: brew install redis pdf2json
cd cc/ fab deploy -R staging