GDP is calculated as the total sum of values created by resident producing units (RPU). Under this definition, RPU doesn't limit to individuals or groups, but also include firms.
Classical liberalism advocates the concept of free market - that individual interventions shouldn't be limited by the government. When a corporation is taken into account as an individual in economic theory, liberalism becomes a theory of state intervention in capitalism, which has little relation to classical liberalism, as it is (if I'm not mistaken) called "neoliberalism".
Does this model really fits into the true sense of "free market" in a modern day context?
On this perfect day, when everything is ripening and not only the grapes are turning brown, a shaft of sunlight has just fallen on my life: I looked backwards, I looked ahead, I never saw so much and such good things all at once. And so I write les essais de MIT.
What is the French way of saying "Pussy"?
毫不講理的世界,漫天的謊言。人類1400 cm^3 的腦容量,裝著一堆垃圾,卻撐著一張“專家”的厚臉皮,把這亂七八糟的歪理壯麗堂皇地説出來。
請和我講道理,請“有返D Common Sense",請完全、直接展現你的想法,不要反反復復的不明不白。
盧梭於 Confessions 中寫道, To be sane in a world of madman is in itself madness. Yes, I am mad. I am eager to be mad. Only being mad can get me, for a second, out of this fucking humanity.
If there were no past
And also memories
And memories
We would be chanting
Dodo l'enfant do
But there is past
If there were no present
And also struggle
And struggle
We would have
No pearls in our eyes
But there is present
In me past, present and future meat
In me the tiger sniffs the rose
The man still stands
And screams
Datta, Dayadhvam, Damyata.
Dodo l'enfant do : SOS d'un terrien en détresse, D. Balavoine. J'aimerais mieux être un oiseau / Dodo l'enfant do, meaning I'd rather be a bird / Sleep, child, sleep.
No pearls in our eyes: The Tempest, W. Shakespeare. Original sentence: Those are pearls that were his eyes - The song the spirit Ariel sings to Ferdinand of his father's supposed drawning.
In me the tiger sniffs the rose: In me past, present and future meet, S. Sassoon. It shows the duality of human nature, but I interpret here that gain and struggle are necessary components of our lives.
Datta, Dayahvam, Damyata: The Waste Land, T.S. Eliot. Eliot quoted this from the Brihadaranyaka Unpanishad in which God presents three sets of disciples with the enigmatic syllable DA, challenging each group to undersand it. Each group is supposed to understand the syllable as the root of a different imperative: Datta (Give to men), Dayahvam (Compassion to the demons), Damyata (Control for the gods). Here I want to emphasize the attitude one should live.
關於我對人生的一些反思,早已有矣。這些思緒一直在我腦袋中,人生價值、政治、哲學、宗教,戰爭,我也一時之間不能窮舉。有的thoughts是嚴肅的,有的可能無關大雅。我想,這些思緒本來在我腦海一閃即逝,不留下一絲雪泥鴻爪,便完滿的完成了任務,不用半天就會消失,但老子説過,積思成言,積言成行,積行成習,積習成性,積性成命。這一絲的thoughts是我這個being那刻以自己的人生經歷,結合外界的刺激generate出來的,對我的思考方式和能力有很大的關係。而且,不少也包括我的struggle,因此,我也不得不摒棄懶惰的習性,嘗試把我這些想法給解放出來,跳出個人層面, and don't let my thoughts die with me,這就是我最大的動力。人在宇宙之間只是滄海一粟,而我更在茫茫人海毫不起眼,能在人海中遇見各位實在是緣分。願以生命為筆墨,希望各位可以對我這個人有更深入的認識。
這裏我要spoiler一下,人生短促,所看到的視野和風景往往狹窄,加上身爲局中人,不免受背景,學問所限,我寫的東西可能有詞不達意或表達不佳之處,這些我承認是有的。我這個人最大的弱點是會overthink,杞人憂天也罷,所以這裏我要跟大家點清楚這個問題,希望各位看官容忍,也提防一下。我在這裏的目的只有一個:發一偏之見,一吐爲快。任何意見或批評,我都會愉快的接受,但請不要把我所寫的東西take it as an offense。在這裏我先向各位表達感謝。羅素説過,I won't die for my beliefs as afterall, I may be wrong. 希望能以這種心態,開展坦誠的討論。