Framework for Testing With Playwright Test as a test-runner
For instalation you need:
- Node.js 18.7.1 LTS +
npm install
pnpm install
Playwright can install supported browsers. Running the command without arguments will install the default browsers.
npx playwright install
You can also install specific browsers by providing an argument:
npx playwright install webkit
See all supported browsers:
npx playwright install --help
npx playwright test
All configuration based on config( package.
This is mean you need add your env config to ./config folder and you can access it everywhere by importing it
import config from 'config'
Project get configuration based on NODE_ENV, it take it value and use it as a config path, for example:
export NODE_ENV=production
npx playwright test
lead to config search for ./config/production.json
In case if theres no such file - it uses default.json.
By default test reporter is [["line"], ["html"]] wich mean you see proccess in stdout and in the end you get an HTML report
You can turn on ALLURE reporting by add env
or pass it at run with --reporter argument
npx playwright test --reporter=allure-playwright
Also you can choose dir for allure results by passing env ALLURE_RESULTS_DIR
For generate report or open it locally you need to use Allure CLI(
allure generate my-allure-results -o allure-report --clean
allure open allure-report