Web stream CAR reader and writer.
npm install carstream
import fs from 'node:fs'
import { Readable } from 'node:stream'
import { CARReaderStream } from 'carstream'
.pipeThrough(new CARReaderStream())
.pipeTo(new WritableStream({ write: block => console.log(block.cid.toString()) }))
import fs from 'node:fs'
import { Writable } from 'node:stream'
import * as raw from 'multiformats/codecs/raw'
import { sha256 as hasher } from 'multiformats/hashes/sha2'
import * as Block from 'multiformats/block'
import { CARWriterStream } from 'carstream'
const readable = new ReadableStream({
async pull (controller) {
const block = await Block.encode({ value: new Uint8Array(), codec: raw, hasher })
await readable
.pipeThrough(new CARWriterStream())
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