add ALL your team members to your team's repo.
[Team Lead] Sean Sutherland
[Front End Lead] Lance Larsen
[Back End Lead] Corey Humeston
[Front End] Mark Soriano
[Front End] Girish Tiwale
[Back End] Amelie Cameron
[Back End] Ali Alavi
+ Click the GREEN Clone or download button
- Copy the HTTPS to your clipboard
- Go to a directory (desktop for ease of access)
- git clone "paste from clipboard here"
heroku run python manage.py migrate
heroku open
give everyone SSH key for repo
ask Anthony questions about Heroku
- add to collaborators
- Download Heroku CLI and type "heroku login" from terminal/cmd in your desktop directory. login with your heroku account.
- Windows - heroku git:clone -a csc648team07
- cd to cloned file
- download python 3.6.4 to machine
- download git to machine
- use command - pip install pipenv
- pipenv --three
- pipenv install
- pipenv shell
- python manage.py collectstatic (if it asks question, type ‘yes’)
- heroku local web -f Procfile.windows
Installing Prerequisite Python Packages:
- cd to the directory where requirements.txt is located
- activate your virtualenv
- run: pip install -r requirements.txt in your shell
go to project directory
- pipenv install
(install new dependanciess ) - pipenv shell
(create new virtual environment ) - heroku local web -f Procfile.windows
(localhost server on browser) (non debug) - python manage.py runserver