Recent Files Tracker is a Sublime Text plugin that tracks recently opened files and projects. It stores the file paths in a JSON file, making it easy to integrate with other tools, such as the Get Recent Sublime Text Files For LaunchBar action.
- Tracks Recently Opened Files: Keeps a history of files and projects opened in Sublime Text.
- Customizable Settings: Configure the maximum number of tracked files and the location of the JSON history file.
- Integration with LaunchBar: The JSON file is compatible with the Get Recent Sublime Text Files For LaunchBar action, allowing you to quickly access your Sublime Text files from LaunchBar.
- Clone the Repository:
Clone this repository into your Sublime Text
git clone "Recent Files Tracker"
- Restart Sublime Text: Restart Sublime Text to activate the plugin.
The plugin uses a configuration file named Recent Files Tracker.sublime-settings
. This file includes the following default settings:
"recent_files_location": "~/recent_files.json",
"max_num_recent_files": 20
: The file path where the JSON history file will be stored.max_num_recent_files
: The maximum number of recent files to track.
To customize the settings, go to Preferences > Package Settings > Recent Files Tracker > Settings
. Update the values as needed.
The JSON file is structured as an array of objects, with each object representing a recently opened file or project:
"md5": "d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e",
"file_name": "/path/to/file.txt",
"timestamp": 1693492847.5234
"md5": "e99a18c428cb38d5f260853678922e03",
"file_name": "/path/to/project.sublime-project",
"timestamp": 1693492850.1234
: A hash of the file name for quick lookups.file_name
: The absolute path to the file or project.timestamp
: The time the file or project was last opened (UNIX timestamp).
This plugin is designed to work seamlessly with the Get-Recent-ST-Files-For-LaunchBar action. Follow the instructions in that repository to set up the LaunchBar action and point it to the recent_files_location
configured in this plugin.
Contributions are welcome! If you encounter any issues or have suggestions for improvement, feel free to open an issue or submit a pull request.
This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details.
If you find this plugin helpful, consider supporting its development with a donation.
- Author: Andrea Alberti
- GitHub Profile: alberti42
- Donations:
Feel free to contribute to the development of this plugin or report any issues in the GitHub repository.