Boilerplate repo for INSO-4XXX Class Using typescript&React for Front End, Scala for backend, and Postgres for DB
Scala api based on:
Please read tutorial to understand scala-api file structure:
Used as reference for dockerizing node for development
Typescript tutorial:
Scala Akka tutorial:
Scala Basics:
React Native Tutorial:
React tutorial :
What is Docker ? :
Install Node:
Install Docker:
Install docker-compose:
- Donwload and install docker and docker-compose
- If using windows, install make:
- Download and install doker and docker-compose
- Download and install nodejs and make sure npm is in your binaries
- If using windows, install make:
Always run make commands from the root directory of the boilerpalte
All Source Code should be written in front-end-web
First clone this repo to your desired location
Run the setup command:
make setup
- Then install al dependancies. If you add any new dependancy to the package.json in front-end-web run this command again:
make install_web
- To build app and run all parts of the system run:(This will startup docker and create your db, your scala restful api, and your front-end server
- Scala: localhost:8080, WebApp: localhost:3000, Db: localhost:5432
make dev_web
- Remove all images and docker containers from system:
make down
- To start only the scala-api and not the front-end server:
make start_scala
Always run make commands from the root directory of the boilerpalte
Install all dependancies first:
make install_mobile
- To start both mobile dev server and scala-api:
make dev_native
- To start only mobile dev server:
make start_mobile_only
- To Stop scala-api:
make stop_scala
- To start only the scala-api and not the front-end server:
make start_scala
- If you need to change port numbers, environment variables or anything else you can do that in the docker-compose.yml file
- There you will find all services that are ran in docker containers, what ports are exposed and the environment variables defined
- Please note that this docker-compose.yml file is built for development only
- You have to create another docker-compose with the appropiate settings for deployment
- You can use visual studio code with the Docker, scala and git extensions
- You can use any text editor and a terminal
- You can use IntelliJ for scala app