A node red flow to communicate with Baxi thermostat Mago (BDR Thermea compatible)
After the implementation of the My Baxi app, the node red script I found online didn't work anymore since Baxi (aka BDR Thermea Group) moved their platform to Azure and implemented OAuth 2.0 authentication protocol. After some more searching, I discovered this repository https://github.com/msvisser/remeha_home for integrate the Remeha Thermostat (same BRD Thermea Group) in Home Assistant.
After reverse engineering the python code, changed all the "remeha" strings to "baxi", with some help of Postman, I was able to replicate the integration for Node-Red.
(BTW if you want to use the msvisser's HA integration for Baxi, just replace the strings in all the files, as mentioned earlier).
the first part gets the first access token through a four step http request. The node automatically inject the request once at startup and store the tokens for later use.
Notice to set your Baxi email and password (the same used to access the "My Baxi" app) in the function node called "Step 2".
The second Part request a new access token every hour and store the received tokens in the flow.
This part get all the possible data from the thermostat, you can see all the available information published by the thermostat in the Data Debug Node. The flow stores the climate-zone-id needed for the commands/requests to the thermostat.
With the following commands you'll be able to controll the themostat.
Manual Manually change the setpoint of the thermostat indefinitely
temporary-override Change the setpoint of the thermostat until the next schedule occurs
schedule Reset to the shedule you choose (I have only one, so I set "1" to "heatingProgramId" in the function flow
anti-frost Turn Off the thermostat
Fireplace Enable/Disable the fireplace mode
Finally here you have the flow: https://github.com/alessandromatera/baxi-node-red/blob/main/baxi-node-red-flow.json Just copy and paste in your Node-Red