A python package with the purpose of assessing the most reliable isotherm models (i.e., Langmuir, Freundlich, Temkin, Toth, Sips, DR), kinetic models (i.e., PFO, PSO, Weber-Morris, Avrami, Bangham, Elovich) and Arrhenius parameters (i.e., Ea, A), adsorption dynamic models (i.e., Thomas, Yoon-Nelson, Adams-Bohart), adsorption enthalpy and entropy as well as isosteric heat of adsorption. The package also offers the opportunity of calculating the amount of adsorbent needed in a scaled-up adsorption unit.
Install / Usage / Isotherms / Kinetics / Arrhenius / AdsorptionDynamics / AdsorptionEnthalpy / IsostericHeat / ScaleUP / References / Contact
First, make sure you have a Python 3 environment installed. To install from github:
pip install -e git+https://github.com/amvro23/adsorption/#egg=adsorption
Note: It might be useful to write "git+https://github.com/amvro23/adsorption/#egg=adsorption" if installing directly from a Python interpreter as # can be interpreted as a comment.
from adsorption.models import (Isotherms, Kinetics, ModifiedArrhenius,
AdsorptionDynamics, AdsorptionEnthalpy, IsostericHeat, Adsorbent_ScaleUp)
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
Create an instance. Default optional values are P = 1 atm, Mr = 44.01 g/mol for CO2 adsorption, T = 298.15 K, R = 8.205e-5 atm.m3/mol/K).
isotherm = Isotherms()
Set inlet values for adsorption isotherm equations. Optional parameter x represents the dimensionless equilibrium concentration [%] and optional parameter y represents the equilibrium capacity [mg/g].
Adjust the values of x and y parameters according to your experimental results (the default values are the following).
x = np.array([0.002, 0.005, 0.01, 0.02, 0.05, 0.1, 0.2, 0.5, 1])
y = np.array([52.64, 72.59, 99.67, 141.79, 182.48, 203.68, 203.56, 204.33, 204.90])
isotherm.set_inlet(x, y)
You can obtain either a single isotherm model plot (e.g., Langmuir model, Freundlich model),
or you can obtain all isotherm models.
You can assess the fit of isotherm models.
{'Langmuir R2': 0.9817163923417866,
'Freundlich R2': 0.7463363496394846,
'Temkin R2': 0.8590282631439854,
'Toth R2': 0.9786970833618412,
'Sips R2': 0.9794054428262444,
'DR R2': 0.7707376307818574}
The package can directly return the best isotherm model.
The best model is that of Langmuir R2 = 0.9817163923417866
You can also obtain a dataframe with all the calculated parameters of isotherm equations with their units,
Parameters Values
0 K_Langmuir [L/mg] 0.05971152127312045
1 qmax_Langmuir [mg/g] 211.83876099132755
2 K_Freundlich [L^(1/n_Freundlich)·mg^(1-1/n_Fre... 71.6650763022144
3 n_Freundlich 6.254943331258903
4 A_Temkin [L/mg] 2.9827960331000063
5 B_Temkin [J/mol] 90.1390756026659
6 K_Toth [mg^z·L^-n_toth] 15.637639450829793
7 n_Toth 0.9832070920173336
8 qmax_Toth [mg/g] 212.27301879029434
9 K_Sips [L^n_Sips·mg^-n_Sips] 0.0685096207219515
10 n_Sips 1.056671824783758
11 qmax_Sips [mg/g] 213.6471311521534
12 E_DR [J/mol] 147.67076438840127
13 qmax_DR [mg/g] 192.6633619518013
or you can have access in isotherm parameters individually in order to create your own plots.
{'E_DR [J/mol]': 147.67076438840127,
'qmax_DR [mg/g]': 192.6633619518013}
array([ 0.04084583, 0.09719205, 0.18721156, 0.36046663, 0.85595811,
1.64334054, 3.14432104, 7.33485598, 13.69841098])
You can get an excel file with the dataframe with all the calculated parameters.
Create an instance.
kinetic = Kinetics()
Set inlet values for adsorption kinetic equations. Optional parameter x represents the adsorption time [min] and optional parameter y represents the accumulative adsorption capacity [mg/g].
Adjust the values of x and y parameters according to your experimental results (the default values are the following).
df_kin = pd.read_csv('adsorption_kinetics.csv')
x = df_kin.loc[:, 'minutes'].values
y = df_kin.loc[:, 'qt'].values
kinetic.set_inlet(x, y)
You can obtain either a single kinetic model plot (e.g., Bangham model),
or you can obtain all kinetic models.
You can assess the fit of kinetic models.
{'PFO R2': 0.9835043733020796,
'PSO R2': 0.9762472082928675,
'WEBER-MORRIS R2': 0.9280676006898012,
'AVRAMI R2': 0.9980776118158866,
'BANGHAM R2': 0.9980776118158825,
'ELOVICH R2': 0.874909009634501}
The package can directly return the best kinetic model.
The best model is that of AVRAMI R2 = 0.9980776118158866
You can also obtain a dataframe with all the calculated parameters of kinetic equations with their units,
Parameters Values
0 k_pfo [1/min] 0.018620160753212878
1 qmax_PFO [mg/g] 74.01352655075553
2 k_pso [g mg^-1 min^-1] 0.00012514880623542925
3 qmax_PSO [mg/g] 109.00232132690607
4 k_wm [mg g^-1 min^-0.5] 6.184044312110834
5 C 6.836063566443158e-18
6 k_avrami [1/min] 0.024543231342313475
7 qmax_avrami [mg/g] 63.298324486155906
8 n_avrami 1.4416620072834452
9 k_bangham [1/min^n] 0.0047733638932455965
10 qmax_bangham [mg/g] 63.29831524175902
11 n_bangham 1.4416628511124052
12 a_elovich [mg/g/min] 4.602398573502221
13 b_elovich [g/mg] 0.05477589170964753
or you can have access in kinetic parameters individually in order to create your own plots.
{'k_avrami [1/min]': 0.024543231342313475,
'qmax_avrami [mg/g]': 63.298324486155906,
'n_avrami': 1.4416620072834452}
array([ 0., 0.08073146, 0.16136812, ..., 67.24288195,
67.25473634, 67.266584 ])
You can get an excel file with the dataframe with all the calculated parameters.
After finding the best kinetic model, the equation is applied to the data obtained at 3 to 4 different temperatures (at least) in order to create the following instance. In this example Bangham model is regarded as the best to describe the process of CO2 adsorption.
arrh = ModifiedArrhenius()
Set inlet values for modified Arrhenius equation. Optional parameter x represents the temperatures [K] in which adsorption tests were performed and y represents the k value of the best kinetic model, which also carries the units (e.g., if Bangham model is more suitable k carries the units of k in bangham model) at the corresponding temperatures.
Adjust the values of x and y parameters according to your experimental results (the default values are the following).
x = np.array([298.15, 308.15, 323.15, 373.15])
y = np.array([0.00478, 0.00583, 0.00728, 0.01956])
arrh.set_inlet(x, y)
You can obtain the values of Arrhenius parameters A and Ea. Given that bangham model is more suitable to describe the process, A adopts the units from k_bangham [1/min^n].
{'Ea [J/mol]': 18300.09180621676,
'A [same as k]': 0.008242440438229868}
You can also obtain the plot and assess the fitting.
{'Arrhenius R2': 0.9949596964116147}
Create an instance. Default optional values are C=0.1, Mr=44.01 g/mol, T=298.15 K, P=1 atm, h=2 cm, r=0.45 cm, Q=100 ml/min, W=1 g, U=0.1, R=8.205e-5 atm.m3/mol/K) where C represents the initial concentration of the adsorbed molecule (CO2: 10%).
ads_dyn = AdsorptionDynamics()
Set inlet values for adsorption dynamic equations. Optional parameter x represents the adsorption time [min] and optional parameter y represents the dimensionless concentration Ct/C0.
Adjust the values of x and y parameters according to your experimental results (the default values are the following).
df_dyn = pd.read_csv('Co_10%.csv')
x = df_dyn.loc[:, 'x'].values
y = df_dyn.loc[:, 'y'].values
ads_dyn.set_inlet(x, y)
You can obtain a single adsorption dynamic model plot (e.g., Yoon-nelson model).
Note that Adams-Bohart fit is used for the description of the initial part of the breakthrough curve ranging from 10-15% (default value is U=0.1).
You can assess the fit of dynamic models.
{'THOMAS R2': 0.9958327653626917,
'YOON-NELSON R2': 0.9958327653619077,
'ADAMS-BOHART R2': 0.9983541738775606}
You can also obtain a dataframe with all the calculated parameters of dynamic adsorption equations with their units.
Parameters Values
0 k_thomas [ml/mg/min] 2.678369108434965
1 qmax_thomas [mg/g] 202.16211953564525
2 k_yoon_nelson [1/min] 0.4818450777710938
3 tau_yoon_nelson [min] 11.237299942413042
4 k_adams_bohart [ml/mg/min] 5.913583287817446
5 N0_adams_bohart [mg/ml] 137.6058956768907
You can get an excel file with the dataframe with all the calculated parameters.
Create an instance. Default optional values are C=0.01, Mr=44.01 g/mol, T=298.15 K, P=1 atm, R=8.205e-5 atm.m3/mol/K.
ads_H = AdsorptionEnthalpy()
Set inlet values for adsorption enthalpy. Optional parameter x represents the adsorption temperature [K] and optional parameter y represents the equilibrium adsorption capacity [mg/g].
Adjust the values of x and y parameters according to your experimental results (the default values are the following).
x = np.array([298.15, 308.15, 323.15, 348.15, 373.15])
y = np.array([203.6870035, 162.2365645, 116.2852302, 65.14332759, 34.46486588])
ads_H.set_inlet(x, y)
You can obtain the values of Vant Hoff parameters enthalpy and entropy,
{'enthalpy [J/mol]': -21754.33170685983,
'entropy [J/mol/K]': -52.31720971406195,
'R2': 0.9923449042417911,
'slope': 2616.5902943059696,
'intercept': -6.292664146507331}
Tha package returns directly the vant Hoff plot,
or your can obtain the numerical values to create your own plot.
array([2.4267528, 2.19922383, 1.86621433, 1.28675816, 0.65010871])
array([2.4834227 , 2.19862352, 1.80447432, 1.22303396, 0.71950333])
Create an instance. Default optional values are T1=273.15 K, T2=293.15 K.
iso_heat = IsostericHeat()
Set inlet values for adsorption isosteric heat. Optional parameter x1 represents the absolute pressure at kPa for adsorption isotherm at T1 and y1 represents the equilibrium adsorption capacity [mmol/g] for adsorption isotherm at T1. The same stands for x2 and y2 but for adsorption isotherm at T2.
Adjust the values of x and y parameters according to your experimental results (the default values are the following).
df_iheat1 = pd.read_csv('iso_heat1.csv')
x_iheat1 = df_iheat1.loc[:, 'x'].values
y_iheat1 = df_iheat1.loc[:, 'y'].values
df_iheat2 = pd.read_csv('iso_heat2.csv')
x_iheat2 = df_iheat2.loc[:, 'x'].values
y_iheat2 = df_iheat2.loc[:, 'y'].values
iso_heat.set_inlet(x1=x_iheat1, y1=y_iheat1, x2=x_iheat2, y2=y_iheat2)
Tha package returns instantly the Freundlich-Langmuir plot,
You can assess the fit of Freundlich-Langmuir model applied at both T1 and T2,
{'Freundlich-Langmuir R2 for T1': 0.9998116123272973,
'Freundlich-Langmuir R2 for T2': 0.9999895124385948}
while you can also get access to the calculated parameters of the freundlich-langmuir model at both T1 and T2.
Parameters Values
0 a at T1 [mmol/g] 5.931481472276362
1 b at T1 [1/kPa^c] 0.05028631551093073
2 c at T1 [dimensionless] 1.0559760862112229
3 a at T2 [mmol/g] 5.892741001110274
4 b at T2 [1/kPa^c] 0.016824160548525938
5 c at T2 [dimensionless] 1.0951835091030404
You can also get the dataframe of the desired parameters to create your own plots if necessary,
and save them into an excel file.
The package directly returns the plot of isosteric heat (calculated via the Clausius-Clapeyron equation) vs adsorbed quantity.
The package offers the opportunity of calculating the amount of adsorbent needed in a scaled-up adsorption unit.
Create an instance. Default optional values are Mr=34.1 as H2S is the targe molecule, and molar fraction is y=0.001.
scale_up = Adsorbent_ScaleUp()
Set inlet values for the experimental and pilot unit. Default values are given herein. Adsorption capacity in mg/g for y=0.001, adsorption time in min for y=0.001, and flow rate in mL/min.
scale_up.exp_unit(ads_capacity=125, exp_ads_time=500)
scale_up.pilot_unit(total_flow_rate=2500, pilot_ads_time=2000)
The amount of the adsorbent needed for the pilot unit is automaticaly printed in grams, however you can also have access to it as an attribute.