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An experimental programming language that transpiles to C.


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The χ (chi) Programming Language

Getting Started

The examples/ folder shows the basic syntax and semantics of the language.

Example program (from examples/recursion.chi):

extern "<stdio.h>" {
    def printf(fmt_str: !char, ...)

def fib(n: int) -> int {
    if n < 2 {
        return 1
    return fib(n-1) + fib(n-2)

def main() {
    printf("fib(9) = %i\n", fib(9))

Try running it:

cargo run -- examples/recursion.chi

To compile and run a program, simply pass it as the first argument to the compiler :

cargo run -- <program.chi>

The generated C code and the compiled executable should be located in the generated/ folder in the current directory. Executable generation is only supported on Linux (and perhaps MacOS, untested), though Chi generates a single C file, so manual compilation shouldn't be a problem.


cargo test compiles and runs every examples in the examples/ folder and check if any of them failed to compile or run.

All examples should compile and return 0.



  • Immutable/Mutable References &x/!x
  • Auto (de)referencing
  • Struct methods
  • Generics
  • Enums
  • Nullable Pointers as Option<!T> (similar to Rust's null pointer optimization but with C compatibility)
  • Array support (temporary C semantics)

Easy nice-to-haves

  • Absolute paths
  • Syntactic sugar: if *** do stmt
  • Operator overloading
  • Lazily #includes (e.g. import stdbool.h iff bool is used in the file)
  • Basic ownership

Hard nice-to-haves

  • Expression decomposition
    • Expression-scope blocks
    • unsafe block that does nothing but make Rust programmers confortable
    • Guaranteed function argument evaluation order
    • Do not rely on C's operator precedence
    • Array as values
    • Referencing of rvalue expressions
  • Traits
  • Resource visibility
  • A standard library
  • Better error messages
  • extern struct declarations
  • Basic, non-intrusive reference lifetime checking
  • Macros as functions
    • Compile-time code execution

Syntax spec


?sep indicates that the preceding block can be omitted at the last repetition of a * or + block.

program = statement_list

statement_list = ("\n" | ";")* ( statement ("\n" | ";")* )*

statement = def_stmt
          | struct_stmt
          | extern_stmt
          | import_stmt
          | let_stmt
          | if_stmt
          | while_stmt
          | return_stmt
          | assign_stmt
          | expression

(* module level statements *)
pub_stmt = "pub" def_stmt
         | "pub" struct_stmt
         | "pub" import_stmt

def_stmt = "def" function_head "{" function_body
struct_stmt = "struct" IDENTIFIER "{" ( IDENTIFIER ":" type ","?sep )* "}"
extern_stmt = "extern" STRING "{" extern_body
import_stmt = "import" resource_path
            | "import" "." IDENTIFIER

(* let statements can be used at both the module and function level *)
let_stmt = "let" IDENTIFIER "=" expression

(* function level statements *)
if_stmt = "if" expression "{" function_body
    ( "elif" expression "{" function_body )* 
    ( "else" "{" function_body )?

while_stmt = "while" expression "{" function_body
return_stmt = "return" expression?
assign_stmt = expression "=" expression

function_body = statement_list* "}"
extern_body = "\n"* ( "def" function_head "\n"+ )*

function_head = generic_parameters? IDENTIFIER function_arguments_return
              | "(" IDENTIFIER ":" type ")" "." IDENTIFIER function_arguments_return

generic_parameters = "<" ( IDENTIFIER ","?sep )* ">"
function_arguments_return = "(" ( IDENTIFIER ":" type ","?sep )* "..."? ")" ("->" type)?
resource_path = IDENTIFIER ("." IDENTIFIER)*

(* expressions *)
expression = equality
equality = comparison ( ("==" | "!=") comparison)*
comparison = term ( (">" | "<" | ">=" | "<=") term )*
term = factor ( ("+" | "-") factor)*
factor = unary ( ("*" | "/") unary)*

unary = ("not" | "+" | "-" | "&" | "!" | "*") unary
      | primary

primary = INTEGER
        | FLOAT
        | function_call
        | method_call
        | struct_member
        | struct_init
        | resource_path
        | STRING
        | "true"
        | "false"
        | "null"
        | "(" expression ")"

function_call = resource_path "(" ( expression "," )* ")"
method_call = primary "." IDENTIFIER "(" ( expression "," )* ")"
struct_member = primary "." IDENTIFIER
struct_init = IDENTIFIER "{" ( IDENTIFIER ":" expression "," )* "}"

(* type *)
     | "&" type
     | "!" type
     | "(" type ")"


An experimental programming language that transpiles to C.







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