A tiny, lightweight GO framework to support writing and maintaing unit tests for Kubernetes controllers.
- Easy to use - and read - fluent interfaces for writing unit tests on controllers
- Hide all the boilerplate code
- Promote the builder pattern
- Full, fine-grained control on the sequence of events
- Lightweight environment, integration with the native GO testing API
- Support e2e or integration tests.
- A complete controller-runtime mock.
The following short example demonstrates how to test an illustrative k8s controller named MyNodeController
which is designed to apply a my-node
label whenever a new Node is created.
import (
func TestNodeLabeling(t *testing.T) {
epistatest.New[MyNodeController, *corev1.Node]().
SetupObjects(func() []client.Object {
return []client.Object{&corev1.Node{
ObjectMeta: v1.ObjectMeta{Name: "my-node"},
ReconcileUntil(func(client client.Client, node *corev1.Node) bool {
_, found := node.Labels["my-label"]
return found
}, "wait for the controller to set the label").
- Why not using envtest? envtest may be more suitable for integration testing, since it spins up a minimal - but fully working - control plane, composed by the api-server and etcd binaries. Another useful feature from Epistatest, not available in envtest, it's the ability to precisely control the sequence of events, something not easily achievable in a live environment.
Check ./examples directory content for some use cases on how to use the framework.