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Dito is an advanced reverse proxy server written in Go. It provides flexible middleware support, custom certificate handling for backend connections, dynamic configuration reloading, and distributed caching and rate limiting with Redis.


  • Layer 7 Reverse Proxy: Handles HTTP and HTTPS requests efficiently.
  • WebSockets Support: Proxy WebSocket connections with ease.
  • Dynamic Configuration Reloading (hot reload): Update configurations without restarting the server.
  • Middleware Support: Easily integrate custom middleware for authentication, rate limiting, caching, etc.
  • Distributed Rate Limiting with Redis: Control request rates across multiple instances.
  • Distributed Caching with Redis: Improve performance by caching responses.
  • Custom TLS Certificate Management: Support for mTLS and custom certificates for backend connections.
  • Header Manipulation: Add or remove HTTP headers as needed.
  • Advanced Logging: Asynchronous logging with customizable verbosity and performance optimizations.
  • Custom Transport Configuration: Fine-tune HTTP transport settings per location or globally.
  • Prometheus Metrics: Monitor performance and behavior with detailed metrics.

Project Structure

  • cmd/: Entry point for the application.
  • app/: Core application logic.
  • client: Redis client for caching and rate limiting.
  • config/: Configuration-related utilities (loading, hot-reload).
  • handlers/: Core handlers for request routing and reverse proxy logic.
  • middlewares/: Custom middleware implementations (e.g., authentication, caching, rate limiting).
  • transport/: HTTP transport customization (including TLS management).
  • websockets/: WebSockets support for proxying WebSocket connections."
  • writer/: Custom HTTP response writers for capturing status codes.
  • logging/: Utilities for logging requests and responses.
  • metrics/: Prometheus metrics collection and handling.


Make sure you have Go installed (version 1.16 or later).

  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone
    cd dito
  2. Build the application:

    go build -o dito ./cmd


You can run Dito by simply executing the binary. By default, it looks for config.yaml in the current working directory.


Command-Line Options

  • -f <path/to/config.yaml>: Specify a custom configuration file.


./dito -f /path/to/custom-config.yaml


The configuration is defined in a yaml file, which can be dynamically reloaded if the hot_reload option is enabled. Here’s an example of a basic configuration:

# Configuration for the proxy server.
port: '8081' # The port on which the server will listen.
hot_reload: true # Enable hot reloading of the configuration file.

# Logging configuration.
   enabled: true # Enable or disable logging.
   verbose: false # Enable or disable verbose logging.
   level: "info" # Set the log level (e.g., debug, info, warn, error)

# Metrics configuration.
   enabled: true # Enable or disable metrics.
   path: "/metrics" # The path on which the metrics will be exposed.

# Redis configuration.
   enabled: true # Enable or disable Redis caching.
   host: "localhost"
   port: "6379"
   password: ""  # Leave empty if no password is required.
# Configuration for the HTTP transport settings.
    idle_conn_timeout: 90s  # The maximum amount of time an idle (keep-alive) connection will remain idle before closing.
    max_idle_conns: 1000  # The maximum number of idle (keep-alive) connections across all hosts.
    max_idle_conns_per_host: 200  # The maximum number of idle (keep-alive) connections to keep per-host.
    max_conns_per_host: 0  # The maximum number of connections per host. 0 means no limit.
    tls_handshake_timeout: 2s  # The maximum amount of time allowed for the TLS handshake.
    response_header_timeout: 2s  # The maximum amount of time to wait for a server's response headers after fully writing the request.
    expect_continue_timeout: 500ms  # The maximum amount of time to wait for a server's first response headers after fully writing the request headers if the request has an "Expect: 100-continue" header.
    disable_compression: false  # Whether to disable compression (gzip) for requests.
    dial_timeout: 2s  # The maximum amount of time to wait for a dial to complete.
    keep_alive: 30s  # The interval between keep-alive probes for an active network connection.
    force_http2: true  # Whether to force the use of HTTP/2.

# List of location configurations for proxying requests.
   - path: "^/test-ws$" # Regex pattern to match the request path.
     target_url: "wss://" # The target URL to which the request will be proxied.
     enable_websocket: true # Enable WebSocket support for this location.
     replace_path: true # Replace the matched path with the target URL. 
   - path: "^/dito$" # Regex pattern to match the request path.
     target_url: # The target URL to which the request will be proxied.
     replace_path: true # Replace the matched path with the target URL.
     # HTTP transport settings for this location. If not specified, the global settings will be used.
         idle_conn_timeout: 90s  # The maximum amount of time an idle (keep-alive) connection will remain idle before closing.
         max_idle_conns: 1000  # The maximum number of idle (keep-alive) connections across all hosts.
         max_idle_conns_per_host: 400  # The maximum number of idle (keep-alive) connections to keep per-host.
         max_conns_per_host: 0  # The maximum number of connections per host. 0 means no limit.
         tls_handshake_timeout: 2s  # The maximum amount of time allowed for the TLS handshake.
         response_header_timeout: 2s  # The maximum amount of time to wait for a server's response headers after fully writing the request.
         expect_continue_timeout: 1s  # The maximum amount of time to wait for a server's first response headers after fully writing the request headers if the request has an "Expect: 100-continue" header.
         disable_compression: true  # Whether to disable compression (gzip) for requests.
         dial_timeout: 2s  # The maximum amount of time to wait for a dial to complete.
         keep_alive: 30s  # The interval between keep-alive probes for an active network connection.
         force_http2: false  # Whether to force the use of HTTP/2.
         cert_file: "" # Optional client certificate file for HTTPS connections.
         key_file: "" # Optional client key file for HTTPS connections.
         ca_file: "" # Optional CA certificate file for verifying server certificates.
        # Additional headers to be added to the request.
        il-molise: non esiste
        - Cookie # Headers to be excluded from the request.
        - rate-limiter-redis # List of middlewares to be applied.
        - cache
        enabled: true
        requests_per_second: 2
        burst: 4
        enabled: true
        ttl: 30


Dito supports custom middlewares, which can be specified in the configuration. Currently available middleware includes:

  • auth: Adds authentication logic.
  • rate-limiter: Limits the number of requests per IP using an in-memory approach.
  • rate-limiter-redis: Limits the number of requests per IP using Redis for distributed management.
  • cache: Caches responses using Redis, improving performance for idempotent responses (e.g., GET).

Middleware Execution Order

The order in which middlewares are applied is critical for ensuring proper functionality. For example:

  • If the rate-limiter middleware is applied before auth, requests might be throttled before authentication is checked. This could lead to unauthorized requests consuming rate limit tokens.
  • Similarly, applying cache before auth could result in cached responses being served to unauthenticated users, which is not ideal for secure endpoints.

Example Middleware Order:

  1. rate-limiter-redis: Throttles requests to protect the backend.
  2. auth: Ensures that only authenticated users can access the API.
  3. cache: Caches responses to reduce load on backends for repeated requests.

To implement a new middleware, place your logic in the middlewares/ directory and reference it in the configuration.

Redis Integration

Rate Limiting

Dito supports distributed rate limiting using Redis. The rate limiter can be configured per location with parameters like requests_per_second and burst to control the request flow.


The cache middleware uses Redis to store responses. It helps in reducing load on backends by caching responses for a configurable ttl (time-to-live). The cache can be invalidated based on request headers or specific conditions.

Implementing a New Middleware

To implement a new middleware, place your logic in the middlewares/ directory and reference it in the configuration.

Custom Transport Configuration

This allows for fine-grained control over how Dito connects to backend services, including:

  • Timeouts and Connection Limits: Configure timeouts and maximum connections to handle backend service behavior.
  • TLS Settings: Manage TLS handshake timeouts and enforce HTTP/2 if needed.
  • Custom Certificates: Specify client certificates for mTLS connections to backends.

WebSocket Support

Dito supports WebSocket proxying, allowing you to seamlessly forward WebSocket connections to your backend servers. This can be configured per location, enabling WebSocket support on specific routes.


To enable WebSocket support, add enable_websocket: true to the location configuration. Here’s an example:

# List of location configurations for proxying requests.
  - path: "^/test-ws$" # Regex pattern to match the request path.
    target_url: "wss://" # The target URL to which the request will be proxied.
    enable_websocket: true # Enable WebSocket support for this location.
    replace_path: true # Replace the matched path with the target URL.

Upcoming Enhancements

Future versions of Dito will include more advanced WebSocket features, such as:

  • Enhanced TLS Support: Configurable TLS settings for secure WebSocket connections, allowing for encrypted communication and improved security.
  • Comprehensive Error Handling: Improved resilience and error management for WebSocket connections to ensure stability during unexpected interruptions.
  • Detailed Metrics: Real-time metrics for WebSocket traffic, enabling better performance monitoring and insight into connection stability and throughput.

These features aim to provide full control, security, and reliability for WebSocket connections in Dito, enhancing the overall communication experience.


Dito supports mTLS (mutual TLS) for secure connections to backends. You can specify:

  • cert_file: The client certificate.
  • key_file: The client private key.
  • ca_file: The certificate authority (CA) for verifying the backend.


Dito supports monitoring through Prometheus by exposing various metrics related to the proxy's performance and behavior. The metrics are accessible at the configured path (default is /metrics).

Available Metrics

Dito provides both custom metrics and standard metrics from the Go runtime and Prometheus libraries:

Custom Metrics

  • http_requests_total: Total number of HTTP requests processed, partitioned by method, path, and status code.
  • http_request_duration_seconds: Duration of HTTP requests in seconds, with predefined buckets.
  • active_connections: Number of active connections currently being handled by the proxy.
  • data_transferred_bytes_total: Total amount of data transferred in bytes, partitioned by direction (inbound or outbound).

Standard Metrics

  • Go runtime metrics: Metrics such as memory usage, garbage collection statistics, and the number of goroutines, which are automatically exposed by the Go Prometheus client library. Examples include:
    • go_goroutines: Number of goroutines currently running.
    • go_memstats_alloc_bytes: Number of bytes allocated in the heap.
    • go_gc_duration_seconds: Duration of garbage collection cycles.
  • Prometheus HTTP handler metrics: Metrics related to the Prometheus HTTP handler itself, such as:
    • promhttp_metric_handler_requests_total: Total number of HTTP requests handled by the metrics endpoint.
    • promhttp_metric_handler_requests_in_flight: Current number of scrapes being served.

Configuration Example

To enable metrics, make sure the following section is present in the config.yaml file:

   enabled: true # Enable or disable metrics.
   path: "/metrics" # The path on which the metrics will be exposed.

Reporting Issues

If you encounter any issues while using Dito, please follow these steps to open an issue on the GitHub repository:

  1. Go Version: Specify the version of Go you are using.

    • You can find your Go version by running go version in your terminal.
  2. Error Details: Provide a detailed description of the error or issue you encountered. Include:

    • The exact error message.
    • The steps you took to produce the error.
    • Any relevant logs or console outputs.
  3. Configuration File: Include the config.yaml file you are using.

    • This will help us understand the context in which the issue occurred and allow us to replicate the problem.


This project is licensed under the Apache License 2.0. See the LICENSE file for details.