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Hook source maps in stack traces
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The patch follows in the footsteps of Planck, introducing calls to
cljs.stacktrace and reads to (:source-maps @st) while producing the stack
traces to print.
There is a workaround, the :file key needs to be massaged when producing the
canonical stack trace. This should go away in subsequent ClojureScript updates.
  • Loading branch information
arichiardi committed Feb 14, 2018
1 parent c7c409b commit 300d01b
Showing 1 changed file with 116 additions and 25 deletions.
141 changes: 116 additions & 25 deletions src/cljs/snapshot/lumo/repl.cljs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -438,6 +438,87 @@
;; --------------------
;; Error handling

(declare all-ns ns-syms)

(defn- form-demunge-map
"Forms a map from munged function symbols (as they appear in stacktraces)
to their unmunged forms."
{:pre [(symbol? ns)]}
(let [ns-str (str ns)
munged-ns-str (string/escape ns-str {\- \_ \. \$})]
(into {} (for [sym (ns-syms ns)]
[(str munged-ns-str "$" (munge sym)) (symbol ns-str (str sym))]))))

(def ^:private core-demunge-map
(delay (form-demunge-map 'cljs.core)))

(defn- non-core-demunge-maps
(let [non-core-nss (remove #{'cljs.core 'cljs.core$macros} (all-ns))]
(map form-demunge-map non-core-nss)))

(defn- lookup-sym
[demunge-maps munged-sym]
(some #(% munged-sym) demunge-maps))

(defn- demunge-local
[demunge-maps munged-sym]
(let [[_ fn local] (re-find #"(.*)_\$_(.*)" munged-sym)]
(when fn
(when-let [fn-sym (lookup-sym demunge-maps fn)]
(str fn-sym " " (demunge local))))))

(defn- demunge-protocol-fn
[demunge-maps munged-sym]
(let [[_ ns prot fn] (re-find #"(.*)\$(.*)\$(.*)\$arity\$.*" munged-sym)]
(when ns
(when-let [prot-sym (lookup-sym demunge-maps (str ns "$" prot))]
(when-let [fn-sym (lookup-sym demunge-maps (str ns "$" fn))]
(str fn-sym " [" prot-sym "]"))))))

(defn- gensym?
(string/starts-with? (name sym) "G__"))

(defn- demunge-sym
(let [demunge-maps (cons @core-demunge-map (non-core-demunge-maps))]
(str (or (lookup-sym demunge-maps munged-sym)
(demunge-protocol-fn demunge-maps munged-sym)
(demunge-local demunge-maps munged-sym)
(if (gensym? munged-sym)
(demunge munged-sym))))))

(defn- js-file? [file]
(string/ends-with? file ".js"))

(defn- file->ns-sym [file]
(-> file
(string/replace "/" ".")
(string/replace "_" "-")

(defn- qualify [name file]
(cond->> name
(not (or (string/includes? name "/")
(js-file? file)))
(str (file->ns-sym file) "/")))

(defn- mapped-stacktrace-str
([stacktrace sms]
(mapped-stacktrace-str stacktrace sms nil))
([stacktrace sms opts]
(apply str
(for [{:keys [function file line column]} (st/mapped-stacktrace stacktrace sms opts)
:let [demunged (-> (str (when function (demunge-sym function)))
(qualify file))]
:when (not= demunged "cljs.core/-invoke [cljs.core/IFn]")]
(str \tab demunged " (" file (when line (str ":" line))
(when column (str ":" column)) ")" \newline)))))

(defn- ^:boolean could-not-eval? [msg]
(and (not (nil? msg)) (boolean (re-find could-not-eval-regex msg))))

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -469,42 +550,52 @@
(keyword-identical? :reader-exception (:type (ex-data e))))

(defn- analysis-error?
(= :cljs/analysis-error (:tag (ex-data e))))

(defn- reader-or-analysis?
"Indicates if an exception is a reader or analysis exception."
(or (reader-error? e)
(analysis-error? e)))

(defn- location-info
(let [data (ex-data error)]
(when (and (:line data)
(:file data))
(str " at line " (:line data) " " (:file data)#_(file-path (:file data))))))

(declare all-ns ns-syms)
(str " at line " (:line data) " " (:file data)))))

(defn- print-error
([error stacktrace?]
(print-error error stacktrace? nil))
([error stacktrace? printed-message]
(binding [*print-fn* *print-err-fn*]
(print-error-column-indicator error)
(let [error (extract-cljs-js-error error)
message (ex-message error)]
(when (or (not ((fnil string/starts-with? "") printed-message message))
(println (str message (when (reader-error? error)
(location-info error)))))
#_(when-let [data (and print-ex-data? (ex-data error))]
(print-error-column-indicator error)
(let [error (extract-cljs-js-error error)
roa? (reader-or-analysis? error)
staktrace? (and stacktrace? (not roa?))
message (if (instance? ExceptionInfo error)
(ex-message error)
(.-message error))]
(when (or (not ((fnil string/starts-with? "") printed-message message))
(println (str message (when (reader-error? error)
(location-info error)))))
#_(when-let [data (and print-ex-data? (ex-data error))]
(print-value data {::as-code? false}))
(when stacktrace?
(let [canonical-stacktrace (st/parse-stacktrace
(.-stack error)
{:ua-product :nodejs}
{:output-dir "file://(/goog/..)?"})]
(when-let [cause (.-cause error)]
(recur cause stacktrace? message))))))
(when stacktrace?
(let [canonical-stacktrace (->> (st/parse-stacktrace
(.-stack error)
{:ua-product :nodejs}
{:output-dir "file://(/goog/..)?"}))]
(or (:source-maps @st) {})))))
(when-let [cause (.-cause error)]
(recur cause stacktrace? message)))))

(defn- handle-error [error stacktrace?]
(print-error error stacktrace?)
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