A Kubernetes operator for Kubernetes built with Operator SDK and Ansible for deploying and maintaining the lifecycle of your EDA Server application.
This operator is meant to provide a more Kubernetes-native installation method for EDA Server via an EDA Custom Resource Definition (CRD). In the future, this operator will grow to be able to maintain the full life-cycle of an EDA Server deployment. Currently, it can handle fresh installs and upgrades.
Please visit our contributing guide which has details about how to set up your development environment.
- Install the kubernetes-based cluster of your choice:
- Deploy AWX using the awx-operator
- Create an OAuth2 token for your user in the AWX UI
Before you begin, you need to have a k8s cluster up. If you don't already have a k8s cluster, you can use minikube to start a lightweight k8s cluster locally by following these minikube test cluster docs.
Once you have a running Kubernetes cluster, you can deploy EDA Server Operator into your cluster using Kustomize. Since kubectl version 1.14 kustomize functionality is built-in (otherwise, follow the instructions here to install the latest version of Kustomize: https://kubectl.docs.kubernetes.io/installation/kustomize/)
If you want to do a single-command install with no modifications, please see these docs here.
First, create a file called kustomization.yaml
with the following content:
apiVersion: kustomize.config.k8s.io/v1beta1
kind: Kustomization
- config/default
# Set the image tags to match the git version from above
- name: quay.io/ansible/eda-server-operator
newTag: 0.0.1
# Specify a custom namespace in which to install EDA
namespace: eda
You can use kustomize directly to dynamically modify things like the operator deployment at deploy time. For more info, see the kustomize install docs.
Install the manifests by running this:
$ kubectl apply -k .
Check that your operator pod is running, this may take about a minute.
$ kubectl get pods
EDA is designed to be used alongside the AWX project to trigger automation jobs in AWX. There is some configuration that needs to be done in AWX first so that EDA can AWX.
Create an access token in your AWX instance using these docs.
Now that your operator pod is up and running, you can create an EDA Server resource by applying the following YAML:
Warning At the moment, If you are using custom image eda-server and eda-ui images that are in a private registry, you will need to create and configure a pull secret.
# eda.yaml
apiVersion: eda.ansible.com/v1alpha1
kind: EDA
name: my-eda
automation_server_url: https://awx-host
- Now apply this yaml
$ kubectl apply -f eda.yaml
Once deployed, the EDA instance will be accessible by running:
$ minikube service -n eda eda-demo-service --url
If you are using Openshift, you can take advantage of automatic Route configuration an EDA custom resource like this:
apiVersion: eda.ansible.com/v1alpha1
kind: EDA
name: eda-demo
automation_server_url: https://awx-host
service_type: ClusterIP
ingress_type: Route
- pull_secret_name
If using Openshift, EDA instance will be accessible by running:
$ oc get route -n eda eda-demo
By default, the admin user is admin
and the password is available in the <resourcename>-admin-password
secret. To retrieve the admin password, run:
$ kubectl get secret eda-demo-admin-password -o jsonpath="{.data.password}" | base64 --decode ; echo
We recommend you take an backup by creating an EDABackup resource before upgrading, particularly if the new version includes a PostgreSQL database version change.
For information on how to upgrade, please see the upgrading.md.
There are three variables that are customizable for the admin user account creation.
Name | Description | Default |
admin_user | Name of the admin user | admin |
admin_password_secret | Secret that contains the admin user password | Empty string |
⚠️ admin_password_secret must be a Kubernetes secret and not your text clear password.
If admin_password_secret
is not provided, the operator will look for a secret named <resourcename>-admin-password
for the admin password. If it is not present, the operator will generate a password and create a Secret from it named <resourcename>-admin-password
To retrieve the admin password, run kubectl get secret <resourcename>-admin-password -o jsonpath="{.data.password}" | base64 --decode ; echo
The secret that is expected to be passed should be formatted as follow:
apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
name: <resourcename>-admin-password
namespace: <target namespace>
password: mysuperlongpassword
This encryption key is used to encrypt sensitive data in the database.
Name | Description | Default |
db_fields_encryption_secret | Secret that contains the symmetric key for encryption | Generated |
⚠️ db_fields_encryption_secret must be a Kubernetes secret and not your text clear secret value.
If db_fields_encryption_secret
is not provided, the operator will look for a secret named <resourcename>-db-fields-encryption-secret
for the encryption key. If it is not present, the operator will generate a secret value and create a Secret containing it named <resourcename>-db-fields-encryption-secret
. It is important to not delete this secret as it will be needed for upgrades and if the pods get scaled down at any point. If you are using a GitOps flow, you will want to pass a secret key secret and not depend on the generated one.
The secret should be formatted as follow:
apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
name: custom-eda-db-encryption-secret
namespace: <target namespace>
secret_key: supersecuresecretkey
Then specify the name of the k8s secret on the EDA spec:
db_fields_encryption_secret: custom-eda-db-encryption-secret
In order to get working event streams in a standalone deployment, you need to set the application variable EDA_EVENT_STREAM_BASE_URL
to the URL where EDA Server would be accessible from internet by external services. This value must contain the scheme, public hostname and event stream path (set by default to /eda-event-streams
) This is needed to generate the correct URLs for the event streams.
apiVersion: eda.ansible.com/v1alpha1
kind: EDA
name: eda
value: "https://mypublicdomain.com/eda-event-streams"
Optionally, it is also recommended to set event_stream.prefix
with a non guessable value (for example an UUID) to avoid unwanted access to the event streams or DDOS attacks.
apiVersion: eda.ansible.com/v1alpha1
kind: EDA
name: eda
prefix: "/f743d0ac-f9ca-11ef-9021-482ae389cd08"
- No Log
- EDA application settings
- Deploy a Specific Version of EDA
- Trusting a Custom Certificate Authority
- Database Configuration
Maintainers of this repo need to carry out releases, triage issues, etc. There are docs for those types of administrative tasks in the docs/maintainer/
To release the EDA Server Operator, see these docs: