Welcome to the Football League Web UI project. The goal of the project is to build a browser based web frontend SPA that gets the data about match schedule/results from the backend and then computes leaderboard based on the rules explained in the challenge description.
This solution requires NodeJs v16 installed.
In order to install project dependencies run:
npm install
In order to work on the frontend application we have provided a simple mock database server.
To run the mock server run the following command:
node server.js dev-mock-server-config.json
After this you would be able to access backend at http://localhost:3001. To verify if the server is running you can run:
The response should be {"success": true, "version": "1.0"}
IMPORTANT: If you need to change default backend port, make sure to revert them back to 3001 before submitting the solution as otherwise the grading system might not detect the backend server and you will lose points.
The following command will run the SPA in local dev server:
npm start
The following command will run TailwindCss watch on class changes:
npx tailwindcss -i ./src/input.css -o ./src/output.css --watch
The application will be available at http://localhost:3000 and by default you should see a welcome message there.
In order to prepare production build you need to run:
npm run build
It is important to make sure that code can be built for production succesfully before submitting the solution.
The test file to verify src/services/LeagueService.js is located at tests/leaderboard.test.js. Feel free to modify the code there in order to test your work. It is important to implement all methods on src/services/LeagueService.js and TO NOT CHANGE the interface of them.
To run the tests just run this command.
npm test