A socket.io implementation of a notepad to use in your Tesla... or wherever you want.
just point your car browser to:
scan the QR code with your phone, tablet, ecc and write something.
What you'll type will appear on car screen. (Don't forget to press enter)
For this first version you're required to be online. Maybe I'll find a solution to make it offline, maybe.
I read this reddit https://www.reddit.com/r/teslamotors/comments/wh6oij/deaf_driver_deaf_passenger_we_have_legal_yesno/ and tried to found a solution. Maybe it's not the best but it do the job.
The project is fully open source. Do whatever you want. Do I need a credit for forks and such? It's up to you.
Feel free to buy me a pizza 🍕: https://paypal.me/antoniolore