This mod is a COMPLETE ground-up rewrite of the original, meaning none of your old pinkslip items and sandbox options are compatible with this version. I removed a lot of unnecessary pinkslip items, so a pinkslip item for every vehicle in the game including modded ones are now no longer needed.
This mod does not and will not support Build 42 until a stable multiplayer revision is released, or Build 42 becomes a stable release itself. I do not have the time to constantly change and micro-manage the mod just because Build 42 decides to change it's script schema or Lua API for the 500th time in a month.
- All base functionality from the original mod
- More sandbox options to tweak
- Safehouse claiming protection (in or near)
- Custom Parking Stall tile for pinkslip claiming
- The original CarWanna mod by Xyberviri.
- Alex for the parking meter tile commission.